Part 14

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"Excuse me dad." Lia knocked on her father's office door.
"What do you want?"
"It's about the engagement speech.."
"Quickly, I have a meeting in five minutes."
"I really don't think I can write it. There's nothing good I can say."
"Are you serious? Do you know how much money I'm going to be spending on the engagement and wedding? You're always so ungrateful. And Kevin is a great guy, you'll only realize that later. So stop annoying me and go write the speech."
"Can you at least tell me how to start?"
"It's an engagement Lia, an engagement for crying out loud! It's about love and togetherness. So go away and write it."
"Funny coming from you." Lia muttered to herself as she left the room.

Lia was done with work for the day so she decided to go back home a few minutes earlier today. Besides, no matter how much work she did, it always went unappreciated anyway. Stay for another twenty minutes would change that. When reaching home, she decided to get the dreadful speech out the way. Ironic right? A speech meant to be about something loving and strong, yet all the emotions that shroud it are to do with pain and anger.

And as the minutes ticked by, she found herself scratching in confusion, not even knowing how love feels like to begin with. How can one write when they haven't gone through it themselves. However, as she closed her eyes to think, a sudden image of girl came to her mind. The image came and vanished, making Lia's heart doubtful. She was surprised by her own mind.

But maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask the girl about the meaning of love.

"Hey Ryujin." Lia said as she opened Ryujin's door.
"Hey Lia." She turned around, taking her focus away from her laptop.
"Can you help me with something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"I need to write this engagement speech, and frankly, I don't think there's anything I can right."
"Well, let's come up with something then." Ryujin said as both of them sat on her bed.

"So what should you include in an engagement speech?"
"Well Lia, to be honest, most engagements that happen are usually because both sides love each other. This is quite the opposite."
"That's what I was thinking. What do I do? My father is dead set on me writing this."
"It's an annoying situation to be in. Hmm, why not write it pretending to be in love? It doesn't really matter what the emotions are behind it as long as you get it done right?"
"I suppose so. But I don't know what the feeling of love feels like."
"Me neither." Ryujin frowned. "The feeling of love... I'm sorry, I don't have a clue."
"I guess I'm stuck." Lia sighed.
"Oh wait, I've got an idea!"
"Go on."
"Close your eyes. Imagine you're in this inescapable feeling of loneliness and suffocation. Think of someone you'd want to be with in that moment. The first person that comes to your mind is probably one you love. At least that's what my friend Yeji said." Ryujin laughed.

Lia did what Ryujin suggested, already knowing the answer. It's happened before. The only image that comes to her mind is of Ryujin.

"So?" Ryujin asked eagerly.
"Uh- it didn't work."
"Oh. Well.. maybe watch a romantic show? Maybe that will spark something."
"I could try, I guess it's my last hope." Lia said as she walked to the door. "Thank you Ryu."
"Good luck! You can do this." She cheered her on. Lia closed the door behind her.

Ryujin let out a huge sigh and went back to her computer, wishing she was a bit more truthful before.

Lia was now in her room alone, slowly getting closer to starting her speech.
"Whatever, I'll just bullshit it then." She decided. "It's not like he means anything to me anyway."

And finish the speech she did indeed, which made her relived, thanking it was all over.

"Finally!" She exclaimed.
"I see you're done?" Ryujin entered the room as the door was opened anyway.
"Oh yes I did."
"Can I read it?"
"Uh- maybe wait for the actual day."
"Hey that's not fair!"
"All is fair in love and war."
"Fine." Ryujin puffed. "I just finished my work, do you want to do something?"
"Yeah I'd love to!"
"Great, so.. what do you want to do?"
"Well, everyone is going out for dinner today again, and of course I'm never invited, so it'll just be us."
"Alright then, do you want to get dinner then? It will be my treat this time."
"I'm totally fine with that." Lia smiled, noticing that her heart was not feeling totally fine.
"Alright great! I'll get ready and you choose the place alright?"
"Sure, how about Chinese? Since you said you like that."
"Sounds good to me."
"Oh and the restaurant is a little formal."
"Perfecto. See you in a bit." Ryujin said as she left to get changed. Lia did the same.

Ryujin didn't have anything like a formal dress or suit so she settled on wearing a shirt that was loosely but neatly tucked into formal trousers. As it was a little chilly outside, she wore a jacket that complimented the outfit well. Lia had a wide range of dresses to choose from, so she decided to go with one that gave a mix of casual winter and formal winter, also paired up with a coat.

"Are you ready to go?" Lia said as she put her coat on. She was expecting some sort of reply but was only greeted with Ryujin's silence.
"Is something wrong?" Lia asked.
"N-no! Nothing nothing. Sorry, you just look really good in that dress."
"O-oh? Thank you. You also look really smart, shirts suit you a lot."
"You think? I didn't pack a lot of formal clothes with me." Ryujin laughed as she opened the door for Lia.

They headed to Lia's car.

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