Part 18

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"Hey, you'll be late for work.." Ryujin said as she shook Lia gently, who was still deep asleep. The time was already six thirty and knowing how long Lia takes to get ready, she needs all the time she can get. Ryujin was already well awake because she had a meeting to attend which is was rather early due to Seoul and New York's huge time difference.

"Not yet.." Lia groaned as she shifted to the other side.
"C'mon.." Ryujin shook her more, smiling due to Lia's cuteness in this moment.
"I don't want to go." Lia was now somewhat awake.
"I don't want you to go either."
"Perfect! Then I'll stay home." She said excitedly.
"But wouldn't that upset your father?"
"Oh right, I forgot about him."
"Come home earlier if you can today, we can go out afterwards if you want." Ryujin smiled as Lia got up and stretched her arms.
"I would love that." She smiled and hugged the girl.
"I love you."
"H-hey!" Lia felt the blood rush to her cheeks, making her shyness evident. "You can't say stuff like that.."
"If I remember correctly, you were the first one who said it." Ryujin teased her.
"Alright, now go get ready." Ryujin caressed Lia's cheek and left the room.

"Bye guys! I'll get going now." Lia said as she finished her breakfast and headed to the door.
"Have a good day dear. Don't forget to eat your lunch." Her grandmother reminded as she waved her granddaughter goodbye. She shut the door.

"Are you ready for the session sir?" Ryujin turned her direction to the grandfather.
"Let's begin!"

The morning quickly blended into the afternoon quickly and Ryujin was done with her work with him, leaving only a few documents to write up and a short meeting to attend later. And then later, she would go out somewhere with Lia. Just as she was getting up to go to her room, Lia's grandmother's phone started ringing which Ryujin checked to be Lia herself calling.

"Ma'am, Lia is calling you." Ryujin called out to her but she was busy in the kitchen making lunch.
"Can you answer it dear? My hands aren't clean."
"Of course."
She picked up the call.

"Yeah, your grandmother's busy so I answered."
"I'm glad, I love hearing your voice."
"Hey.." Ryujin said a bit embarrassed.
"Payback for this morning." Lia chuckled. "Anyway, I was calling because I totally forgot my lunch. And I have nothing to eat.."
"Oh you did?" Ryujin peered over to the kitchen counter where Lia's lunch bag was sitting. "I'll bring it for you."
"You don't need to do that! The office is kinda far. And besides, do you even know the way?"
"I'll see you in a bit." Ryujin said ignoring any of Lia's concerns.
"Hey, wait!" Lia protested but the other girl cut the call already.

"Lia forgot her lunch so I'll go drop it off for her. Is it okay if I take the car?" Ryujin said as she picked up the keys.
"Oh she did! Yes, thank you dear, you can take the car."
"See you in a bit."

Though it was true that Ryujin had never been to the company the family owned, it was begin enough to find on online maps so that's what she did. It was somewhat of a long drive away and the roads were familiar to her back when she used to live in Seoul herself. However, so much time has passed since then, so her memory was not something she could rely on. She decided to make the long drive an experience so she put on some of her favourite songs from her playlist, ones that she wish Lia could sing for her instead. She still was in awe of how amazing Lia's talent was. As she drove, she got closer to a building which used to be her elementary school, bringing back many memories and a rush of nostalgia. The exciting and care-free nature of being a kid was something she completely lost growing up, however it didn't make her miserable. Ryujin was happy with her life. She was happy with her job. She was happy with her friends. She was happy with her one floor apartment. And she was happy being around Lia. And happiness isn't something you should take for granted, so appreciate it while it lasts.

She crossed the building and was only a couple minutes away from the office. She knew she was there once she was in front of a large skyscraper like building. It looked like it was straight out of one of those tycoon K-dramas. It was a nerve-wrecking sight, to say the least, but she gathered Lia's lunch bag and headed to the reception.

"Hi!" Ryujin walked up to the receptionist.
"Hi there."
"Can you tell me which floor Choi Jisu's office is on please?"
"Choi Jisu? You know her or something."
"Yeah, I'm working as a doctor for her family."
"And what are you meeting her for?" The receptionist eyed Ryujin.
"She forgot her lunch, and there was no one else who could bring it for her." Ryujin said as she lifted the bag for the lady to see.
"Alright." The receptionist went back to typing.
"So are you going to tell me where she is or?"
"Oh right, she's on the fourth floor, room 7. It's near the elevator so you can't miss it."
"Great, thanks so much!" Ryujin smiled as she headed towards the elevator.

As she tried to find the button to take her to floor 4, she realized that the building had over forty floors. Overwhelming? Certainly. But she managed to find her way to Lia's office. She knocked on her door.

"Yes?" Lia said as she rolled her chair away from her computer to get a better look of the person at the door.
"Hey." Ryujin smiled brightly.
"Y-you really came!"
"Of course I did. Here's your lunch." She passed the bag to Lia.
"Thank you so much Ryu, I was starving." Lia laughed.
"Anything for you. By the way, your office is huge. It's bigger than my living room back in New York."
"Yeah, but it gets lonely all alone. But you're here, so I'm happy." Lia smiled. "Stay for a while."
"Don't you have work to get to?"
"Don't worry, I'll take a break right now." She said as the two sat on the couch across her desk.

Heya guys, btw, im publishing this from a new device so i hope there's no error or anything :*)

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