hello.. i think i have commitment issues..

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Hello my dear reader,

Yes, it is I, who left the face of the earth once again and this time, I don't have much of a reason.

Life's been good. A little too good to be true (im being sarcastic, it's been terrible as always!). So I was savoring every moment. I was itching to come back here and finish off this story, but my mind always gravitated towards something else. I hope you're still interested in this, because I am and I am ready to continue this. This time for real.

In hindsight, this is another apology to you guys, but this is the last apology too (till the end of this story at least). I'll start updating again and that one shot collection will start growing again.

Thank you for all your support and love while I was away.

Thank you for sticking around.

Till the next chapter, dear reader!


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