Part 16

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She tossed and turned, tried and failed. This cold night was too much for Lia's stale heart. She just laid in bed, her comforter feeling like an abyss she was slowly being sucked in to, no hand for Lia to grab on to. However, a knock was heard from her door, possibly being Lia's only chance of survival. She didn't respond, leaving it up to the person behind that door to come in or not.

"Hey.." Ryujin appeared from the door. "Can I come in?"
"Ryu.. of course you can." Lia said as she turned to face to door where Ryujin was standing. Her eyes were of a damp red colour, very much due to the tears that flowed abruptly. However, the other girl's presence was enough to revitalize Lia's aching heart.
"I'm sorry that happened." Ryujin walked over and sat on the bed next to Lia.
"Why are you sorry? They are the ones who should be sorry."
"I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you."
"Ryu, I think it's better if you don't interfere in family matters. I told you, this family is dysfunctional." Lia faced towards Ryujin's direction without making eye contact.
"Why did you come?"
"Oh, I just wanted to check on you. I'd imagine the way they treated you would hurt you."
"It did.. but it's all magically gone away now." Lia smiled at her.
"That's good to hear.
"Do you think I'd make it as a singer? If I tried."
"I don't think so, I know so. You've got everything you need to become a singer and much more."
"Why are you the only one that believes in me Ryujin?"
"You should believe in yourself too."
"I'll try. Hey, remember when you told me I should find a reason to live?"
"Yeah?" Ryujin trailed her mind back to their previous conversations.
"I just found that reason."
"Oh what is it?" Ryujin asked excitedly.
"Me? What have I done?"
"Ryujin, you know what you did. You've done so much."
"I'm happy you can find that peace in me." Ryujin moved from her sitting position to her laying position and faced Lia as she gently caressed her hair, a gesture Lia started loving very much.

"You make this cold night so much better. You're the one splash of colour I needed in my monochromatic life. For the longest time, I thought pain was like dust. No matter how much I tried to get rid of it, it always came back, building up to a point I could no longer care for it. I let it seep in within me, but you.. you had the power to get rid of this dust for good. You're the only one who sees me, you're the only who has ever."

"Lia..a future without you would be colourless to me too. I can't verbalize your beauty, you know, ever since the day we first met, I was asking myself how much it would take to reach you. So I wanted to give you my everything. I wanted to see the colour you have in your eyes this very moment." Ryujin felt her heart resisting as she only moved very little towards Lia.

"I love you."

Lia said. It was surely the only reason why she valued the girl so much. The only reason she searched for Ryujin everyday. Her unnoticed screams, only Ryujin ever heard them. Her heart was made for some like Ryujin to open. Now, Lia laid anxiously waiting for Ryujin's reply, who only gave her silence yet a loving expression.

"I'm so lucky I met someone like you Jisu. With all my heart, I love you too." Ryujin spoke in a soft tone in Korean.

Lia didn't reply and just moved towards Ryujin, comforting herself in her warmth again, like she always did. The effect the younger girl had on her was irreversible and she would do anything to make sure it stayed that way. Ryujin ended up sleeping in Lia's room that night, just comforting her and her poor heart that had been racing too fast.

It was the next day at work and Lia was called by her father to meet him in his office. She opened the door carefully, without making a single creek knowing that any sound was enough to piss her father off.

"Yes dad, you called me?"
"Sit down."
Lia sat down.
"You realize your engagement is only two weeks away right?"
"Yes, I've been keeping track."
"Well, for one week, your mother, Kevin and I will be needing to travel Tokyo to finalize a deal for the CatLaw project."
"Wait, since when was Kevin lead on CatLaw?"
"That's none of your business!" Her father snapped.
"But it was always me who instructed the project? Shouldn't I go?"
"Lia, do you really think I care? You really think I care about how much you've done for the project?"
"No, sorry."
"Exactly. So for the next week I'll be in Tokyo with the two of them and you will be on your own with your grandparents and Ryujin."
"Alright." Lia said as she thought that maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all. An entire week where the only people she needs to interact with are her loving grandparents and Ryujin? It was a done deal to Lia.

"Okay, now go."
Lia was about to shut the door till her father called her abruptly again.
"While we're gone, don't you dare go out with Ryujin alright? If anyone sees you, it will raise suspicion. You're marrying a good man Lia, so don't go around acting like you're interested in some girl."
"Y-yes dad." Lia thought it was no use arguing with her father right now as it was obvious he wouldn't change his view on the situation.

Besides, it's not like his words even meant anything to Lia. Nothing would stop her from being with Ryujin.

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