Part 9

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Ryujin stayed next to Lia, caressing her hand till she fell asleep. It was clear Lia had reached an all time low, but Ryujin was determined to change everything. It was almost midnight when the rest of Lia's family came back from their outing. Ryujin heard footsteps gradually getting louder as they approached the door of Lia's room. The door was flung open.

"What is she doing in bed?" Lia's father spoke with anger.
"Sir, she had a really high fever."
"Does this mean I'll have to pay you extra now?"
"Pay me extra?" Ryujin asked amused by the father's stupidity.
"Yes, pay you extra! You're treating her fever. You're doing more work than you were required to. That means you expect higher pay."
"Sir, I just treated a fever. I didn't do surgery or something. It would be absurd of me to asking you to pay for this."
"So you don't want money?"
"Of course not! The only thing you will be paying for are the sessions. Anything else that happens on the side is.. 'complimentary'. And as a doctor, it's my job to take care of people with or without the money."
"No wonder so many doctors are broke."
"Pardon me?"
"Doctors always thinking they're noble. Nobility doesn't pay the bills. Your loss."
"Money should not be the motive to everything."
"Ryujin, what would you understand. Whatever, just finish up quickly and leave."

Ryujin simply nodded. Mr Choi left. 'A very dysfunctional family indeed.' Ryujin thought to herself realizing that her father didn't even ask about how Lia was doing now.

It was about four in the morning when Lia woke up with a parched throat, in need of a drink of water. She slowly opened her eyes and felt a warm grip on her hands, quickly noticing that Ryujin had fallen asleep on the chair while holding her hand. In that moment, maybe due to Ryujin's peaceful expression while sleeping, or the warmth that had spread from her hands to her entire body, or the fever, she felt her heart melt. Never had she seen someone so attentive before. She didn't believe people like Ryujin could exist, giving everything that had happened in her life till now.

"Hey Ryujin." She gently shook her knee.
"Hmm." Ryujin groaned not wanting to open her eyes.
"I really love having you next to me, but you should really sleep in your bed. Otherwise your back will hurt."
"Five minutes more." Ryujin acted like a child waking up for school to which Lia laughed.
"Hey come on." She shook her knee a little harder.
Ryujin took a second to yawn and opened her eyes.
"I didn't mean to wake you up completely. Sorry." Lia apologized.
"It's okay." Ryujin smiled sweetly. "Let me check your temperature again."
"Hey! I told you to sleep not do all this again." Lia frowned at Ryujin's determination.
"Hm, your temperature is still a little high."
"Why are fevers dangerous in the first place?"
"Oh, because your entire body's temperature increases, so your enzymes don't work as well. So they'll denature and die."
"R-right." Lia said, trying to remember the biology classes she used to take.

"Alright, now that you've checked my temperature, please go to your room and sleep."
"But I don't want you to be alone. U-unless you want to be alone!" Ryujin stuttered.
"Ryujin, you're so cute. You're right, I don't want to be alone." Lia laughed. "So.. sleep next to me."
"Well that's a rather bold move." Ryujin laughed thinking she was joking.
"I'm serious, if you don't want to sleep in your room, then sleep next to me."
"You sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"I'm sure."

Ryujin got up and slid next to Lia, covering herself with the remaining blanket. She made sure to keep her distance and looked into Lia's eyes for a few minutes. The intensity made her heart beat a little quicker, which Lia noticed and smiled.

"Sounds like you're the one uncomfortable." Lia chuckled.
"N-no, it's just that I've never been this.. c-close with anyone before."
"Me neither."
"I've never been this mentally close with someone. Physically, yeah.. but close as in this feeling of warmth, never."
Ryujin just smiled at her cute confession. Lia decided to take initiative and moved closer to hug Ryujin. She wrapped her arm around the girl softly. She felt Ryujin's breathing pause for a moment, before starting again and syncopating with hers.

"Is this okay with you?"
"Is it okay with you?" Ryujin asked.
"Then it's okay with me."

She then gently stroked Lia's hair, caressing it gently till they both fell asleep.

Lia woke up early the next morning, realizing that they both fell asleep in each other's embrace. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, suddenly feeling scared for no reason that came to her mind. Ryujin slowly opened her eyes by Lia's movement. She got up and stretched her arms.

"Good morning Lia."
"Good morning Ryu."
"Sorry, Ryujin is a long name to say, especially this early in the morning."
"It has the same number of syllables as Lia though?"
"Yeah, but saying Ryu is so simple and sweet.. like you."
"I'll take it as a compliment." She laughed.
"How are you feeling?"
"I think my fever is gone."
"Let's check... oh yeah, it's gone! Perfect."
"Thank you for taking care of me so well. You're a great doctor."
"I know I'm a great doctor." Ryujin smirked. "But whatever I did, I did it for you as a friend." She smiled.
"Well you're a pretty excellent friend."

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