Part 13

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"Alright, now that your outfits are finalized, I need you two to write a speech. I'm giving you two weeks max." Lia's father instructed Lia and Kevin.
"And what do we include in the speech?" Kevin asked.
"Well, how much you two love each other. And how you two are special, you know? That kind of things."
"As if." Lia gagged.
"Lia, I know you're head over heels for me. Don't act."
"What the?" Lia asked in complete confusion knowing that Kevin was fully aware of her hatred towards the same. The feeling was mutual.
"Even if you guys hate each other, I don't care a single bit. The engagement is happening anyway. So remember to write the speech." Mr Choi spoke firmly before leaving the two. He just the door behind him.
"Well now that he's gone, how about a little fun? It's been a while." Kevin said as he brought himself closer to Lia, making her extremely uncomfortable. He also has a stench of alcohol and cigar, making Lia feel like throwing up.
"Get off. You know I hate this." Lia said pushing him.
"Fuck that, I don't care. Think about me. Can't even have fun with you." Kevin said as he kissed Lia. Lia was grunting trying her best to breathe.
"What's your problem? You literally sleep with every girl you meet. Can't you just leave me alone? Is it that hard."
"I already told, your body is better than theirs. More curvy." Kevin smirked as he got on top of her.
"Please, just leave, you don't have to do this." Lia said embracing herself for what was going to come.
"Or what, huh?" Kevin barked.
Lia couldn't say anything.
"Are you going to tell that stupid friend of yours. What's her name.. Ryujin?"
"Don't talk about her like that."
"Or what? You better keep your distance. That little comment she made about your dress, so fucking annoying. Oh and why were you blushing so much? What are you? A lesbian?" Kevin kept throwing words at her, in an insulting tone.
"Enough!" Lia slapped him across the face hard, leaving a red imprint.
"How DARE you slap me." Kevin said as slammed Lia against the bed's wooden frame, making her hitting her head really hard. She felt some blood. He kept slamming her on the frame till she apologized, which she did.

"Oh yeah, that's right. You better be sorry. You're luck I'm a nice guy." Kevin said as he got up, ready to leave. Lia winced in pain as she couldn't feel her head. He left the room. Lia tried to get up and walked over to the medicine drawer in the living room to find something to help her bleeding head. She looked around to see that everyone in her family had already left. Her head grew in pain and she felt dizzier and dizzier. Knowing she had no idea how to treat it, she started looking for Ryujin.

"Ryujin! Ryujin?" Lia tried to shout though everything hurt the more she tried. To her luck, Ryujin was at home.
"Hey Li- ok, why are you bleeding!?" Ryujin ran to her worried.
"L-long story.."
"The wound looks really bad. Ok, let's fix this." Ryujin said as she looked through the drawer to find anything that would help.
"Thank you." Lia said as she sat down.

It took some time, but Ryujin finally managed to cover the wound and stop the bleeding.

"You'll be alright now. So tell me, what happened?"
"I'd rather not say."
"Alright, just take it easy, okay?"
Lia nodded not knowing what to say, but her eyes start tearing up without her realizing.

"Lia, please don't cry." Ryujin said hugging the fragile girl, who accepted and embraced back.
"I really can't anymore. I've endured too much. I can't go on anymore." She cried out.
Ryujin let her cry and rubbed her back gently to calm her down. The two were silent for a while, stuck in their position, till they pulled out. Ryujin gave Lia a soft smile.

"S-sorry. I get really emotional around you."
"It's okay. It's completely fine." Ryujin reassured her. "I suggest you get some sleep. It will make you feel better and some of the pain will go away."
"Alright, but there's a lot of blood on my bedsheet, because of this." Lia said pointing at her head. "Can I sleep in your room?"
"Sure you can."

Lia carefully laid down on the bed, trying her best not to apply pressure on her head which would only shoot the pain up.

"Is it hurting too much?" Ryujin asked with concern, sitting next to Lia on the bed while she laid.
"Mhm." She winced.
Ryujin gently caressed Lia's hair, far away from the wound to not trigger anything else. Lia found it comforting and closed her eyes. Ryujin continued doing so till she heard a very faint snore from her, making her satisfied. As Lia slept, she sat beside her, reading the book that she had started days before.

It was early evening when Lia woke up. Her head pain had reduced by a little. She turned to see Ryujin still sitting next to her, reading her book, while patiently waiting for her.

"Feeling any better?" Ryujin asked giving her a warm, loving expression.
"You stayed here the whole time?"
"Of course, I can't leave you alone while you're in pain."
"Thank you Ryu. You're really amazing."
Ryujin gave a faint laugh before going back to her book. In that moment, Lia felt her heart beat quicken, confused if it was due to the effect of her pain or due to the uncontrollable amount of love she was receiving from the girl next to her.

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