Part 1

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"So let's follow this plan for now and come back for a checkup in 2 weeks from now. How does that sound?" Ryujin spoke carefully with deep consideration of her intonation as she was speaking to patients who were elderly. They nodded to her, reassuring her they understood what was needed to be done. Shin Ryujin is an orthopedic surgeon, based in New York, who also works as a physiotherapist, mostly specializing in treatment for older people.

The patients left her office and she turned to her computer, typing some new information that was crucial for the hospital's database. A knock was heard from her door which she replied 'come in'. It was Shin Yuna, who was one of the hospital's receptionist and one of Ryujin's closest friends.

"Yuna yah! How are you doing?" Ryujin asked with great joy.
"Great as always. Are you free right now?"
"Yep, just finished up with my last patients for the day."
"Oh, were they the elderly couple that just left?" Yuna said as she leaned against the doorframe.
"Sure were."
"Ryujin, why didn't you ever go into geriatrics instead of orthopedics? You seem to care about the elderly way more than young ones."
"Nah, that's not true. I care for both of them. Just.. after my grandmother's passing, I feel more emotional when hearing about problems with my elderly patients."
"Oh right.. you told me about that before." Yuna gave a slight frown.
"Anyway, did you come to tell me something?"
"Yes, I did actually! Yeji is calling you in her office."
"Did she tell you why?"
"I think she's got a 'mission' for you, or something like that."
"What am I? James Bond? Alright, tell her I'm coming in a bit."
"Sure. Bye Ryujin!" Yuna chuckled as she left.

Ryujin quickly finished all the necessary computer work she was doing before Yuna entered; stapled all the documents that were scattered on her desk; and went up to Yeji's office, locking her own office on the way out.

She knocked on the door.

"Hey Yej! Yuna said you needed me?"
"Yes I certainly do, sit down, I'll be done in like two minutes."
"Sure." Ryujin said as she welcomed herself to the seat in front of Yeji's desk. Yeji was actually the hospital's deputy director and an orthopedic surgeon herself. The two had been best friends since the beginning of med school, where they promised to work at the same place in the future: they ended up keeping their promise.

"Alright, so, you haven't forgotten how to speak Korean right? Especially after living in America for ages?" Yeji questioned.
"No? I don't believe I have? Why are you asking?"
"Perfect! You're ready for the job! Thanks Jin!" Yeji spoke happily as she turned to her computer.
"Wait! What job?"
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. So basically, you'll have to fly to Seoul."
"But.. that takes like an entire day of traveling? You know I'm scared of flying."
"Relax, I haven't finished yet. I promise you'll love it."
"Fine." Ryujin sighed as she relaxed in her chair, almost melting by how exhausted she was.
"You'll have to fly to Seoul because there's a patient waiting for you there. He's a 79 year old man, who was some horrible muscle, joints and bone problems. His family requested he get treated by an amazing doctor and decided to get one from this hospital, as we are pretty much the best of the best. One of their criteria was that the doctor should know fluent Korean as he is an old man and doesn't know any English. I recommend you for the job because you know Korean and elderly patients are your specialty! I got his files sent." Yeji said as she passed Ryujin a large stack of files.

"Hm. It seems like an interesting case.. and my heart is telling me to go. But, I can't leave my patients behind here. A lot of them are in mid treatment so I'd be hurting them." Ryujin frowned.

"Don't worry Jin! Your patients will go under Chaeryeong, okay? And she'll keep updating you on them. They'll be in safe hands. And this is an emergency too."

"I suppose you're right.. how long do you think this will take?"

"Like 5 months?" Yeji estimated.

"5 MONTHS? Bro, I can't leave for 5 months!"

"You can!"

"Who said!"

"Uh, me? Did you forget I'm the deputy director. I approved of this already." Yeji said smugly.

"Fine." Ryujin grumbled. "I'll do it then."

"Wonderful! Ryujin, you really are the best!" Yeji gave a cheerful thumbs up as Ryujin stood up from your seat. "You better start packing, you're leaving day after tomorrow."

"Sheesh, you could have at least informed me earlier." Ryujin shook her head, but was secretly excited by this opportunity. She left the office, closing Yeji's door on her way out.

"Seoul? I haven't been there for ages. Wonder how it's like now." Ryujin muttered to herself as she was getting ready to go back home.

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