Part 17

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"Alright, just because we'll be gone doesn't mean the Thursday meeting will be cancelled. You're going to fill my place Lia." Her father spoke firmly as he waited for his wife and Kevin to bring their suitcases to the car.
"Yes dad." Lia said impatiently wanting them to leave that very moment.
"Are you set?" He asked the two to which they nodded. "If you make any mistake, it will cost you." He whispered to Lia and drove off to the airport. Lia gave an appropriately unamused look and went back inside, where Ryujin and her grandfather were having their session.

"Dear, can you please help me bring the tea around." Her grandmother asked.
"Of course!" Lia said as she brought the tray to the living room, giving Ryujin the first cup, which was reverted by a loving expression.

"Alright sir, we are done for the day. Our progress is looking really good. There's no more stiffening and the treatment is working well. I'm very pleased!" Ryujin said excitedly.
"All thanks to you Ryujin. I've never felt this good before! I think you finished your five month job in one month." He laughed.
"But of course, this is still just the beginning, we need to see how long term this is. So I'll be here for the five months anyway." Ryujin said while giving Lia a smile, knowing that the biggest reason she wanted to stay was because of her.

In this very moment, Lia's happiness at sky rocketed. It was just the three people she loved most in her life: her grandmother, her grandfather and Ryujin, with none of those others clowns to break this peace. After finishing up their snacks, her grandfather went for his nap. Ryujin also had to leave as she had another meeting with Yeji and Chaeryeong regarding the hospital. It was just Lia and her grandmother, sitting in tranquillity while enjoying each other's presence.

"Dear, how are you doing? You've so busy these past few months, I never get to spend time with you anymore." Her grandmother spoke with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"I know, but dad puts all the workload on me. It's been so difficult, everything, but I think it's slowly getting better." She smiled as she sipped her tea.
"You are a strong girl. Ryujin has been helping, hasn't she?"
"Y-yeah.." Lia looked down in some sort of embarrassment.
"Don't be embarrassed, she's such a nice girl. And besides, I see the way you look at her."
"What do you mean?"
"To me, it seems like you're more interested in her than Kevin." Her grandmother sheepishly drank her tea, making Lia surprised as she never thought her grandmother was this observant.
"W-well.. it's true I have no interest in Kevin.. but Ryujin's a girl so wouldn't it be weird if I was interested in her?" Lia said trying her best to avoid the fact that they had already told each other how they felt.
"I'll allow it if it's Ryujin. She's such a nice girl, I think she has all the qualities that would make you happy. And that's what I want, your happiness." Her grandmother comforted.
"Thank you granny. I'll be honest.. Ryujin and I.. we both like each other." She found it hard to swallow her food.
"Excellent. Now we just need to find a way to get rid of that Kevin." Her grandmother joked. Lia thought this was the perfect opportunity to explain the way Kevin had been mistreating her all this time, to which her grandmother was both shocked and angry. She promised Lia that she would talk to her father once they were back from Tokyo.

"Thank you. Really."
"You're my granddaughter, I can do anything for you." She gave Lia a warm embrace.

Night fell quickly and the four had dinner altogether, which finally felt like a family dinner. No one was comparing, no one was shouting, no one was trying to take lead. Instead, everyone gave each other the respect and time to speak. Pure family bonding, which was the first time for Lia in her entire life. After cleaning the dishes and a nice thirty minutes of post-dinner chatting, her grandparents went up to their rooms to sleep, as it had already become quite late.

"Hey, I think we should go to bed too?" Ryujin said as she saw Lia was dozing off.
"I want to stay a little longer with you." Lia said as she pulled her closer. "Do you drink?"
"No orange juice. Of course alcohol silly." Lia joked as she playfully pinched Ryujin's cheeks, making Ryujin go red.
"Right- I knew that. I do."
"Should we have some wine together?" Lia said more so as a statement as she was already pouring red wine in two glasses. She placed the glasses on the table and sat opposite of Ryujin.

"I swear, this is going to be the best week of my life." Lia smiled as she nearly gulped the entire glass.
"It will be. See? I told you, everything will get better soon."
"You're right." Lia finished her glass and started pouring more.
"Hey is your tolerance any good? Don't you have work tomorrow?" Ryujin asked concerned
"It's good, don't worry. I just get a little noisy but I'm still aware of everything."
"If you say so." Ryujin said as she too finished her first glass, however, she decided not to pour anymore.

Ryujin soon realized that Lia certainly did not have good tolerance, or any tolerance really, as after her second glass, she became noticeably drunk. But Lia insisted that she didn't want to go to bed, so instead, she put on a movie for them to watch, or at least try to watch. Lia was more than half asleep as she rested her head on Ryujin's lap, spreading her legs on the sofa while the other girl gently caressed her hair.

"I really do think we should go to sleep." Ryujin spoke softly, almost in a whisper to not startle Lia.
Lia was already deep in her slumber at this point.
"Hey.." Ryujin gently shook her. She decided that Lia wasn't going to wake up so she gently stood up, trying her best not to wake her up, and picked up Lia. She tucked her in her bed and tried to go to her own room but Lia had a tight grip on her hand.

"Maybe spend the night with me too?" Lia asked in a partially aware tone, though she knew fully that her heart wanted it. Ryujin was hoping Lia would ask that too.
"Gladly." She got under the covers with her.

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