Part 20

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It was almost seven in the evening and Lia was getting ready to go back home, and go out with Ryujin. She had already packed her office bag and was ready to head out till a knock was heard from her door again. It was Karina.

"Oh hi Karina. Did you forget something?"
"Not really.. uh.. just wanted to asking you something Lia."
"Just say it." Lia was getting slightly impatient.
"You're marrying Kevin right?"
"So Ryujin is just your friend right? Nothing more?"
"No comment."
"Just tell me."
"Why do you want to know?"
"I don't know, Ryujin looked cute, I want take her out." Karina said. Her straightforwardness took Lia by surprise. "But, the way you two were when I entered your room earlier, it made me think that there was something between you two.. but you're straight and with Kevin. So obviously you can't be with Ryujin.. right?"
"I mean sure.." Lia did not want to deny or accept.
"You sure? You don't sound so sure?"
"Well.. it's complicated." Lia said, her eyes trailing along her office interior.
"You can tell me, I promise I won't tell." Karina crossed her fingers. Lia was doubtful. If she told Karina, it would be possible she would expose her to her father as she was his assistant. She was in a risky situation but she decided to give Karina the benefit of the doubt and tell her.
"You really promise right?"
"Alright, Ryujin and I are definitely something more than friends."
"I don't know how to explain. Like I've never asked her to be my girlfriend but we both like each other, but I'm getting married to Kevin, so I don't know what to call our.. situationship."
"It certainly is a situationship."
"Mhm." Lia nodded, trying her best to not say more. "Please don't tell my father. He'll kill me."
"Don't worry, it's not my business. I was just asking as a friend." Karina smiled.
"Thank you. And sorry that you can't be with her.. I can still give you her number if you want to be friends.."
"No don't worry. I'd rather not. Anyway, I'll get going now. Bye Lia."
"Bye Karina and thanks again." Lia sighed and finally went back home.

There was downpour by the time Lia had reached home, making her regret not taking an umbrella earlier. By the time she stepped out of her car and walked to the front door, she was already soaked from head to toe. She frantically knocked on the door, mostly in a hurry due to the fact that it would take longer to get ready for her date now. Her grandmother opened the door for her.

"Oh dear! You're completely soaked! Quickly, get inside." Lia did as she was told and was given a towel to dry herself.
"You should really remember your umbrella. You know how strange the weather can be."
"I know, I know, but I was in a rush this morning."
"Speaking of rush, you ate the lunch Ryujin gave you right?"
"Yes I did! It was so good."
"Good she was there, otherwise you would have been starving right now."
"She's pretty great." Lia smiled suddenly wondering where the younger girl was.
"I'm going to go get fresh granny, see you."

Before getting to her room, she quickly went to check on Ryujin, whose door was closed. She gently knocked on it, in case she was in a meeting, but there was no sound coming from the other side of the room. Lia decided it was alright to fully open the door, so she did, only to find herself walk in while Ryujin was trying to change. She had just taken her t-shirt off. Lia stood in embarrassment and Ryujin did too.

"W-well thank God I didn't take my bra off yet.."
"I mean.." Lia's thoughts trailed off somewhere else.
"Oh sorry! I mean yes, thank God!"
Ryujin sighed, slightly amused by all of this, secretly hoping Lia enjoyed this moment as much as she did right now. She quickly put on the t-shirt she had just taken off for the meantime.

"Why are you wet?" Ryujin asked about Lia's dampened clothes and hair.
"I'm still pretty dry.." Lia said in the same state of mind. She slid her arms down the side of her legs.
"H-hey! That's not what I meant."
"Huh?" She tried snapping out of it.
"I meant why are you all wet like your hair and clothes." Ryujin sighed, Lia taking her words out of context certainly was a humour sight to most.
"O-oh that! Yeah, it was the rain. I didn't take an umbrella."
"Come on, you have to be more careful than that. You don't want to get sick all over again."
"That's true. Anyway, I just wanted to see what you were up to."
"Oh, I just got fresh and was about to get ready, if you're still down for dinner."
"I totally am. I'll go take a quick shower too. Give me a few minutes."
"Take your time, there's no rush." She smiled as she Lia about to leave.
"Thank you Ryu," she was about to close the door till she decided to add, "by the way, I kind of regret not coming a little later." Lia teased and left.
Ryujin couldn't say a word, naturally flushed, thinking about how she always felt like the open and sneaky one between the two, but today, Lia proved her wrong.

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