Part 5

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It was about one in the morning when Ryujin closed her laptop and decided it was time for sleep. She went to the door to close it and switch the lights off when she noticed the living room lights still on. Confused, she decided to go see why as it seemed the entire family was already asleep. She noticed that Lia was awake, doing the extra job her father had given her.

"Hey Lia.." Ryujin approached her.
"Oh, hey Ryujin. You're still up?"
"Well, I was just about to go to sleep but I saw the lights on."
"Yeah, I've got some work left, goodnight."
"When do you think you'll be done?" Ryujin was concerned.
"Hm, don't know. In about two hours? Give or take."
"Are you just going to sit here all alone? I mean, it sounds pretty painful to me."
"It is. But that's what my father does. Bombards me with all the work, gives Kevin all the love, and makes sure life is hell."
"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." Ryujin looked down.
"It's okay. It's not the first time, that's for sure. And at the end of the day, I'm all lonely. Nothing changes. It's the same thing everyday."
"Hey.. if you want, I can sit with you till you're done?" Ryujin looked at Lia making her eyes widen.
"No no Ryujin, I would feel really bad if you missed out on sleep."
"Nonsense! I'm a doctor, remember? I've done 36 hour shifts on 0 hours of sleep. Besides, I wouldn't mind at all if it meant you'd have some company." Ryujin smiled which Lia noticed.
"That's.. really sweet of you. I would really like that, if you're offering." Lia blushed but it went unnoticed by Ryujin.

Ryujin pulled out the chair next to her and stayed there till Lia decided she was done.

"I gather that this isn't your dream job right?" Ryujin asked her.
"Sure as hell isn't. I hate everything related to this kind of work."
"I see. What job would you make you happy?"
"It's always been my dream to become a singer. I just love writing songs, poetry, and then performing them. Only to the mirror though, the last time I sang in front of people, my father was furious saying I was wasting time. He said wanting to become a musician is the same thing as aspiring to become broke. So here we are."
"That's really rough. He shouldn't have said that. But, if you ever want to sing your heart out and want someone to be there, I'll gladly listen."
"You sure you'd want to hear me?"
"Of course! I'll even become your first fan!" Ryujin insisted making Lia laugh. Ryujin smiled at her laughing.
"Thanks Ryujin. But it's just a dream. Not reality."
"It could be reality though. You never know what the future has in store for you."
"I don't know about that. My parents have always said that life is about having a high salary and marrying a rich guy. That's exactly what's happening."
"You're marrying Kevin right?"
"Sadly." Lia sighed.
"I take it that he isn't your dream guy?"
"Far from dream." Lia shook her head.
"So what's your ideal guy?"
"I don't know. Maybe someone who actually cares and doesn't use you as some toy. That would be nice. What about you?"
"What's your ideal guy?"
"Oh, Ryujin, do you have a boyfriend?"
"So your ideal type?"
"I don't have one."
"Come on! I bet you do and you're just not telling! I promise I won't tell."
"Hmm, well Lia, between you and I.. I don't even like guys." Ryujin tried to say it casually.
"You don't like guys?" Lia raised an eyebrow.
"So you like girls?"
"Possibly." Ryujin said avoiding eye contact.
"Well trust me, it's better." Lia chuckled, dying down any tension Ryujin had in her. "And with a handsome face like yours, I'm sure any girl would fall in love with you." Lia continued laughing, in a way that didn't mean to put Ryujin down.
"Sorry?" Ryujin was speechless by Lia's boldness.
"Sorry. I tend to say random things."
"No, it's okay. I don't mind."
"But it's true. You are very good looking Ryujin."
"T-thank you. So are you."
"It's kind of cute seeing you shy like this." Lia laughed while ruffling Ryujin's hair.
Ryujin felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment.
"Sorry Ryujin. It's the first time I've felt comfortable talking to someone. I don't have any friends, my parents would never want to spend their precious time with me, I don't have any siblings and Kevin is too busy playing around with other girls. So yeah, I got carried away." Lia was trying to hold back tears again.
"Hey, it's okay! Don't worry. Whenever you're lonely or down, or even if you're in a good mood, don't ever hesitate coming to me, okay?" Ryujin said as she caressed Lia's hand.
"Thank you Ryujin. You're a really good person."
"You are too Lia. I hope you know that."

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