Part 19

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"Your office is huge. I didn't think it would be this big." Ryujin was certainly astonished.
"Yeah.. but I only recently moved in here after my promotion."
"Oh, you're Vice President right? I saw the nameplate outside."
"Yep, you're right."
"So.. you have a high position yet your father still doesn't think you do enough work?"
"Precisely. Kevin isn't even senior manager and gets all the credit. Literally, his job requires sending two emails a day. I mean a child could do that!"
"It's frustrating." Ryujin empathized.
"Honestly, I wouldn't mind this job if my father was nice to me. Like I know he knows I'm an excellent employee, he just never shows it. Instead he brings me down like the great father he is." Lia rolled her eyes sarcastically.
"Yeah.." Ryujin said not knowing what else she could say.
"And then I have to marry someone as cruel as Kevin. You know something Ryu? I even tried telling my mother once about what he does and oh gosh, she just said 'live with it'. Can you believe her?" Lia was clearly holding in this for a while now.
"Seriously? I really don't get them at all. You deserve so much more, and so much better."
"Hey.. but that's why the universe made sure I met you." Lia nudged Ryujin's arm as sweet gesture making the other girl go red.
"I suppose so." Ryujin laughed.

A few seconds later, Ryujin's phone started ringing: it was Yeji asking for video call. Ryujin was hesitant in picking up as she didn't want Lia feeling left out, especially in this very moment.

"Hey it's okay, you can pick it up." Lia smiled softly to which Ryujin nodded.

"Hey Jin!" Yeji exclaimed from the phone rather loudly.
"Hey Yej, how are you?"
"Pretty good. Just work as usual. Anyway, hope you're doing well too. I had a question regarding one of your patients."
"Oh, the ones Chaeryeong is taking care off?"
"Go on." Ryujin asked intrigued.
"According to the plan you had curated, you said that the second treatment is what you would recommend. However, I think one of their recent conditions would make the treatment difficult. So I've sent you another plan, look it over and tell me what you think."
"Alright, sounds good. I have no problem changing the plan around."
"Thank you for understanding. Anyways, what are you up to right now?" Yeji asked in a more relaxed voice.
"Nothing much." Ryujin said as she smiled in Lia's direction.
"Yeah Jin, who are you smiling to?" Yeji asked smugly.
"Do you want to say hi?" Ryujin said as she whispered softly to Lia which she agreed.
"Hi! I'm Lia." Lia said happily knowing this was the first time she had spoken to one of Ryujin's friend.
"Hey Lia, I'm Yeji! One of Jin's close friends. She's told me some great things about you."
"S-she has?" Lia said questioningly to Ryujin.
"W-we don't need to get into the details Yeji."
"She says Lia is so cute, so beautiful, so kin-"
"Yej, don't you have a job to get to?" Ryujin cut her off.
"Alright, I'm going. Bye Jin, bye Lia! It was nice meeting you." Yeji said as she bid the two bye, getting a reply of byes herself.

"Yeji is an interesting person.." Ryujin said in some form of embarrassment.
"It's cute that you say that stuff about me." Lia said in full support of Yeji.
"If you say so.." Ryujin said hoping the ground would just swallow her whole in this moment.

Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, one that was quite firm and loud. Lia voiced the person to come in. It was a lady not too tall, not too short, wearing a grey blazer and a grey skirt who wore a serious expression on her face.

"Sorry, I was interrupting something?" The lady asked.
"No, it's alright Karina. Come in." Lia said as she excused herself back to her desk. Karina sat opposite to her while Ryujin stayed on the couch, feeling a little awkward in this situation.

"Alright, tell me."
"It's about the project that's being initiated in Warsaw." Karina continued.
"Shouldn't you consult Taehyun about it though? I mean, he's the one leading it."
"I tried but Taehyun is on his annual leave right now."
"Oh he is? That's strange, I have a meeting with him tomorrow.. alright, tell me what you were going to say." Lia noted down a few thinks on a sticky note.
"So, the team is experiencing some sort of setback. I think the project time was underestimated and the LAN team wants their department free during that point."
"LAN is never patient. Alright, there's not much we can do other than pause for now. I'll tell Mr Choi and Taehyun's department."
"No worries." Lia smiled.
"I'll get going then." Karina said as she pushed her chair back to stand up but caught a glimpse of Ryujin stiffly sitting.

"Who are you?" Karina asked.
"My name is Ryujin." Ryujin bowed politely not really knowing how to act in this situation.
"She's my family doctor, she just came because I had forgotten my lunch." Lia quickly added hoping Karina would leave soon.
"Well alright. Nice meeting you. I'm Karina." Karina extended her hand for a handshake which Ryujin accepted.
"Nice meeting you too."
"Bye then." Karina took another good look at Ryujin, left and closed the door, almost in a tensed voice. Surely, the interaction was weird and a little suffocating.

"That's Karina, she's one of my father's assistants."
"Oh alright. She seemed a little tense."
"She's like that. I have no idea why." Lia chuckled.
"Well, I guess I should get going then. I don't want to disturb you anymore and we're going out in the evening right?"
"Hey, you never disturb me. But I do have some work to finish. I'll see you soon." Lia flung her arms around Ryujin, not wanting to end.
"Eat your food too, okay?"
"I will." Lia said in a childlike tone.

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