Part 21

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The two had finished their date only a few minutes past the twenty-third hour, where they decided to walk around till it was midnight. It had quickly become a hobby of theirs which they looked forward to very much. The rain had nicely cleared up and the sky had a fresh essence and a grass-like fragrance, overwhelming one's senses. It was a perfect night, there was no doubt about that. It was a perfect night for a walk to be shared between two lovers.

"Everything is so much more beautiful when I'm around you." Ryujin said as she fidgeted around with the umbrella in hand, the one they took in case the rain decided to pour again.
"Absolutely. It's funny how even on this particularly dark night, you're shining so brightly. Your beauty feels so unreal."
"Ryujin, that made me remember something. I want to ask you a question."
"Sure, what is it?"
"You're with me because you love me right? Not because you feel pity for me or anything right?"
"Pity? I'm not sure I understand."
"It's alright, it was a stupid thought."
"No no, tell me. It's not stupid if you've been thinking about it."
"Please don't take me in a wrong way."
"I won't, I promise. Tell me Lia."
"Listen, it's been a while since I realized I had fallen in love with you. It was back when you had offered to sit next to me through the night while I did the work my father had given me. You remember right? So I fell for you then, and then as time went on, I realized how caring you were, how considerate you were, and how you made everything so much more meaningful. And what I feel for you is different to every other feeling I've felt."
"Lia, thank you, but how does that make me pity you?"
"Because you've done so much, and I've barely done anything for you. Actually, I haven't done anything. And it's so unfair, you can do so much, and I won't be able to return that. So it made me wonder, what made you love me? What quality is there to love?" Some tears escaped leaving her heart distressed in an unfamiliar way. But she felt Ryujin's arms around her as she was pulled in a tight embrace.
"Don't say that about yourself." Ryujin gently rubbed her back as Lia drowned her face in the other girl's shoulder.
"I can't help it."
"Lia, I fell in love with you because you're the most loveable person I know. You're the strongest person I know. You're the most passionate person I know. You're the talented person I know. You're the most determined, the most beautiful, the warmest, the most exquisite person I know, and your beauty in shines in so many lights. You're so special to me."
"I don't know Ryujin."
"I wish you could yourself the way I see you, then you'd know what I mean. But trust me, alright?"
"I'll trust you."
"And you know, sometimes someone's presence is enough to fall in love with them."
"It is."
"Have I cleared your doubts?"
"You have."
"Great." Ryujin said as she wiped Lia's tears away with her hands. "Should we continue walking or do you want to take a break?"
"Let's continue. I'm okay." Lia smiled as she took Ryujin's hand in hers.

Only some time later they decided the night was dark enough to head back home. The rain had started pouring again.

"We're home!" Lia softly called out in case her grandmother was still awake and waiting for them. However, the living room nights were switched off and there was no reply.
"I guess they're asleep." Lia shrugged.
"I mean it is pretty late. We should get to bed to." Ryujin yawned as she took her coat off.
"Yeah, you're right- oh give me a second." Lia said as she felt her coat pocket ring. It was her father calling.

"Hello dad."
"Did you sign the documents?!"
"Which ones?"
"What do you mean which ones?"
"You left six of them to sign, and the junction ones are scheduled for tomorrow."
"You idiot, they were for today!"
"But even Karina told me herself today? Dad, you're the one who arranged the dates." Lia was a little annoyed to be dealing with this at this hour.
"For God's sake, Lia you can't do anything right. And you blame it on me. Go back to the office and sign it. The collector's coming early morning, they need to be signed. You know how long it takes to sign them right."
"I know. I'll go earlier tomorrow to sign."
"No. You're going to go now."
"Dad.. it's past midnight."
"Do you really want to argue right now?"
"So go back to the office. If you mess up, it will cost you."

He abruptly hung up the phone.

"Is everything okay?" Ryujin asked a little concern by the irritated expression on Lia's face.
"I don't get this guy. I have to go back to the office Ryu. I'll be back."
"Right now?"
"It's nothing I can do now. Can you pass me the umbrella."
"Sure.. can I come with you?"
"You don't need to."
"Lia, you look very tired. I'm not letting you drive all by yourself especially in the dark like this. It's risky."

Ryujin was right and considering the fact that Lia's sleep quality was deteriorating over the past few months.

"Could you drive?"
"Of course." Ryujin smiled and took the keys, putting her coat back on. "I'm still wide awake."

They reached the office fairly quickly and headed up to Lia's office.

Hi guys, due to some unforeseen circumstances, im having some trouble updating this often. But i will try my best. Also patiently waiting for itzy's comeback 31st July!

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