Part 7

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"Can you please move your leg forward.. like this.. yes great! Thank you." Ryujin spoke as she continued her daily session with Lia's grandfather. The issue of the lump in his knee became even worse, making Ryujin think that could lead into an emergency. She decided to not make the situation alarming and take care of it with great care.

"Tell me Ryujin, is the lump bad? Be honest." He mumbled.
"It's certainly not what I hoped for, but please have faith in me."
"I trust you, don't worry."
"Ryujin dear, you've been working hard, would you like me to make you some tea?" Lia's grandmother entered the room holding a tray with a teapot and some cups, all porcelain only strengthening the Choi's family rich image.

"Thank you so much." Ryujin bowed as she accepted the tea. "I think this is a good place to stop. I wouldn't want to overdo anything." Ryujin said to which he agreed.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.
"I think Jisu and Kevin have been sent for wedding shopping. I'm not too sure though." The grandmother responded.
"Ah okay." Ryujin frowned at the thought of Lia being with such a disgusting man. "Is it okay if I ask something personal?"
"Go ahead dear."
"What if the wedding is called off? What if they don't get married?"
"You mean Jisu and Kevin?"
"I- I don't know honestly. I know the future of the company lies within this marriage but if we talk about what's more important, Jisu's happiness, I don't know."
"I think Jisu would be much happier if the wedding was cancelled."
"Why do you say that dear."
"Becau-" just as Ryujin was about to finish, she realized that there is a high possibility that no one knew about the way Kevin treated Lia. "Uh, because of what you said before. She doesn't have that spark."
"I suppose you're right." Her grandmother said as she sipped on her tea.
"Ma'am, are you in favour of the wedding?"
"Not at all. Kevin is not a respectful boy at all. I don't know what my son sees in him." She shook her head. Ryujin just nodded.

"You seem very intrigued by Jisu's marriage?" She asked to which Ryujin startled.
"Just concerned for her as a friend!"
"I see."

It was true, Ryujin was exposed to Lia's vulnerability, seeing how much support she really needed. It was clear to her that she hated her life, and Ryujin didn't want that. She knew it had become part of her duty to make sure Lia was alright at the end.

As they finished their tea, Lia and Kevin's car pulled up. Kevin was fuming and complaining about everything from the colour of his socks to the fitting of the suit, saying that the wedding would be a disaster if he didn't look perfect.

"You're insufferable." Lia rolled her eyes and the guy's hubris.
"Oh really? And what about you? Looking like a stuffed turkey in that dress. You better lose weight before the wedding." Kevin scoffed.
"Or better: I just don't come to the wedding."
"Or even better: just die." Kevin laughed earning a look of disapproval by Lia.

The bags of their shopping trip was taken by the car. Lia's grandmother opened the door to which Lia immediately hugged.

"Hi granny. I missed you."
"I missed you too dear. Hello Kevin."
"Hm." Kevin said, he was absorbed into his phone.

"Anyway, I have to go clubbing with the boys now. I'll be back later." He gave a partial wave and walked off.
"Good riddance." Lia said slamming the door shut.

"I've prepared some tea Jisu. I was just having some with Ryujin. They just finished their session."
"I would love some tea right now." She smiled sheepishly as she plopped herself on the sofa.

"Hey, how was the shopping?" Ryujin asked.
"The worst. Kevin is the biggest piece of shit ever." Lia complained quickly covering her mouth. "Sorry for my language."
"Don't worry. Your anger is understandable." Ryujin gave a half smile.
"How was the session?"
"Not bad. But that lump I was talking about could get worse. But I think I've come up with something."
"I'm sure you have Ryujin." Lia said as her grandmother brought another cup of tea.
"Oh and sorry for my attitude before, it's just a mental challenge being around that guy."
"Hey don't worry Lia. I understand."
"You're the only one who does." Lia whispered to herself.

It was around seven in the evening and Ryujin believed she was the only one in the house. The parents and boyfriend had gone for work purposes, the grandparents had gone to church, and she believed Lia was at one of the two places. She had no work remaining for the day so she decided to do some light reading in the living room. However, to her surprise the living room lights were on once again.

"Oh hey, I didn't think you were home." Ryujin walked up to Lia who was working on her computer.
"Yeah.. my father gave me this crap to finish. So I have to stay. By the way, everyone's having dinner outside so it will just be us tonight."
"Okay." Ryujin said as she sat on the chair in front of Lia.
"What are you reading?"
"This? Oh, it's an autobiography of a neurosurgeon. I've had it on my list for a while."
"Nice, the cover looks interesting."
"It really is. It talks about the awakening of the mind and soul."
"I don't get it?" Lia said moving her focus to Ryujin's book which seemed way more interesting than her work.
"It talks about how during hardships, our minds create a safe spot, where our souls can rest till everything's over. It's hard to explain." Ryujin chuckled.
"Can I read it once you're done?"
"Sure you can." She smiled.
"Thanks." Lia said as she moved her attention to her fingers, then to her computer and then to Ryujin's eyes.

"You alright?" Ryujin asked. "You seem a little lost."
"Uh.. yeah.. I'm fine." Lia said as her breathing quickened.
Ryujin got up and checked Lia's temperature with her bare hands, and then comparing it to hers.

"Oh, Lia, you've got a fever."
"It'll be fine don't worry." She said moving away a little. "I'll just call the doctor later."
"Are you forgetting something?"
"I'm a doctor." She smiled. "I think you've had a long day and you shouldn't take fevers lightly. Let's go to your room."

Lia listened to her.

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