14 : Favour

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"Hey!" Sunoo said in tiny, urging Sunghoon to smile but he already hid it.

Sunghoon was so happy to see Sunoo but he tried to act tough and mad.

"What are you doing here?" Sunghoon asked angrily. "To ask for another help?"

Sunoo frowned. 'Why is he over-exaggerating? We're nothing yet!'

"Erm! No. Just to say a sorry for what I did," Sunoo said trying his best to avoid his sassy behavior and not to say something bold again.

"Go on then," Sunghoon said as he slid his both hands into his pockets.

"Alright then, sorry," Sunoo apologized. Trying to conceal his annoyed expressions.

"I don't accept it," Sunghoon bluntly said. Making Sunoo even more annoyed.

"Why? It wasn't my mistake though," Sunoo argued making Sunghoon to twitch his eyebrows in confusion.

"What wasn't your mistake? So now you're denying everything?" Sunghoon scowled.

"I'm just scared to have you beside me now. Not only you but any other stranger," Sunoo said with his head hung low.

"The people won't eat you up," Sunghoon snorted.

"No but, the day you did those things to me under the table. Now I'm scared to have anyone beside me," Sunoo said and Sunghoon's eyes widened. "I'm too weak to protect myself. I don't know why and I hate it."

Sunghoon's heart sank down by Sunoo's words and the guilt rushed through his whole body like a huge wave.

"I...I'm sorry. At t-that d-day I didn't m-mean it," Sunghoon stuttered and a bitter smile took place on Sunoo's face. "At that day...I didn't mean to abuse you or hurt you."

"Now you're being sorry. Everyone has their own mistakes," Sunoo said. "So we're done now?"

"No, not yet," Sunghoon said with the intimidating tone. Sunoo looked at him in confusion.

"You owe me twice," Sunghoon added making Sunoo even more confused.

"Twice? Why?"

"Once when I saved you from Soujun and second for not accepting your sorry yet," Sunghoon said with a smirk on his face.

Sunoo scowled. "Eh!? Okay then I don't accept your sorry too."

"Oh! Then. You owe me once," Sunghoon laughed. "Your sorry exchanging with mine."

Sunoo groaned.

"And for the 'thank you' you have to do me a favour," Sunghoon added.

"Favour? Tell me it's not something dangerous," Sunoo begged.

"No, not at all," Sunghoon said, making a thinking face. "How about I visit you? Your house?"

"Oh yeah!? Are you out of your mind? I'm never gonna invite a pervert like you to my home!" Sunoo snarled.

'Oh! You might be living alone, ' Sunghoon smirked.

"We won't be alone. We'll have Jake, Jungwon, Jay and Riki," Sunghoon informed. "It'll be a small party."

Sunoo zoned out. Thinking about his favour. "Do I have any other options?"


"What is it?" Sunoo excitedly asked.

"Go out with me," Sunghoon said with an even bigger smirk on his face. "More like a date."

Sunoo's eyes got bigger. "Hell no! I'm okay with the first option."

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