28 : Boyfriends

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"No more pain, my love. Everything is behind us now. We can share our lives together, no matter what happens. Let's build our future together, forever. I love you so much, Hoonie,"

Sunghoon's mind grew even more perplexed. "What...?" he asked in a faint tone, resembling a lost child on the verge of tears.

The atmosphere was charged with tension, and Sunghoon's heart was in turmoil. A myriad of emotions had entangled his thoughts, and he could hardly comprehend what was happening.

Sunoo, stood before him, rekindling old feelings and opening new wounds. The room was still, and all that could be heard was the rhythmic beating of their hearts.

Sunoo's eyes sparkled with a mixture of mischief and a hint of sadness as he gazed at Sunghoon. It was as if he held the secrets of the universe and was willing to share them only with Sunghoon. The room seemed to shrink as their presence intensified, and the air grew heavy with the weight of unspoken words.

Sunoo released his grip on Sunghoon and strolled over to the couch. Flashing a warm smile, he invited, "Come and sit with me," gently patting the space next to him.

A moment of vulnerability washed over Sunghoon as he hesitated, contemplating whether to join Sunoo on the couch. The whirlwind of emotions within him had left him breathless. He finally approached the couch, the silent invitation hanging in the air. Each step toward Sunoo was a leap into the unknown, and he couldn't help but wonder if this would be the moment where everything will be changed.

"Sunoo..." he breathed out, closing his eyes weakly, "Please don't tell me you're tricking me. I'm at a point where I can't handle any more pain. Today, you were with Soujun, and you even stated your trust in him, going to the club together. You... Sunoo you kicked me in my fucking balls today and mentioned not feeling safe with me when we're alone. So why? Why are you here alone in the middle of the night?"

Sunghoon's voice quivered as he unleashed his pent-up emotions, his questions hanging in the air like a heavy storm. His heartache was palpable as the torrent of tears spilled onto Sunghoon's cheeks. The room seemed to hold its breath, the only sound being Sunghoon's anguish.

Sunoo remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he listened to every word that poured from Sunghoon's lips. His eyes revealed a complex mixture of emotions, empathy and sadness entwined with a touch of remorse.

His silence was like a silent plea for Sunghoon to understand, but also a haunting reminder of the pain they had both endured.

Tears welled up in Sunoo's eyes as he reached out to gently wipe away Sunghoon's tears. There was a profound longing in his gaze, as if he wished to bridge the chasm between them with nothing more than a touch. It was a moment of fragile connection, one that held the possibility of both healing and further heartbreak.

"Oh Hoonie," Sunoo brought Sunghoon in. In the warm embrace of his arms, Sunghoon allowed his tears to flow, the flood of emotions he had kept within him for so long finding a release. Sunghoon's sobs, like a torrent, drenched Sunoo's chest, leaving stains on his shirt, but Sunoo didn't mind. Instead, his hands cradled Sunghoon's head, running through his hair gently, a soothing gesture to ease the tumultuous emotions.

Sunoo's voice, soft and tender, whispered into Sunghoon's ear, "Sunghoon, in this vast world, the only one I place my trust in is my love for you. As for Soujun, I used him only to gather information on something crucial. My true sanctuary is your presence. Your arms are the only place where I feel secure, cherished, and loved. I'm sorry for the confusion today, my love, but you are my anchor in this tumultuous sea of emotions."

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