21 : Relationship

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Sunghoon pulled himself out of the chorus of congratulations. He walked towards the bleachers until he found his friends who were waiting for him, but couldn't find the one his eyes were searching for.

"Hey see! Such a big and beautiful trophy this time!" Sunghoon excitedly raised his trophy.

"Woah! It's really big! Let us see," Jay exclaimed as he tried to take the trophy but Sunghoon pulled his hand back.

"No," he strictly said.

His both friends were startled.

"Give up! He isn't going to let y'all touch it either!" A senior student yelled from the far addressing to Jay and Riki.

They both looked at Sunghoon in perplexity.

"The Teacher gave this to me just for a little while. They are going to take this back to represent the school. Till now I won't let anyone touch my efforts but me," Sunghoon said, acting possessive over the trophy.

"Anyone? Are we anyone?" Riki scoffed in disbelief.

"By anyone, meaning any other student in this campus. Argue if you aren't the students here," Sunghoon sassed. "I don't want this trophy to be touched by any other student until the authority takes it back."

"Not even your other team mates?"

"Yes," Sunghoon smirked. "I made them agree by saying they won because of me and who has the guts to argue with Park, hm?"

"Of course no one will mess with you," Riki rolled his eyes.

"Alright alright, do whatever you want. Anyways how are you feeling now?" Jay questioned.

"Not well. Having a headache and I'm queasy too but my excitement and happiness is overlaying it," Sunghoon smiled with those red tinted cheeks of him. Was he having a fever too?

Riki touched his forehead worriedly, "Oh no. You're burning. Let's go back home, we'll take the permission," but Sunghoon quickly shook his head.

"Not yet. Wanna show this trophy to Sunoo," Sunghoon blabbered out causing Jay and Riki to side-eye him.

"Weren't you on challenge?" Jay crossed his arms.

"That's for normal days of school, it is a  special day today," Sunghoon once again reasoned and made his way to find his Sunoo.

Jay let out a sigh and shook his head in disappointment.


Sunoo was walking through the empty corridor that led to school lockers. Which was on the second floor.

Empty corridor because the students were still crowding the basketball court or some of them were on the first floor cafeteria.

He needed to put his pom-poms back to his bag because they were a burden and bothering him.

As he neared towards the lockers.

"Sunoo!" Someone shouted which caused an immediate smile on his face knowing who it was.

Turning around quickly, he found Sunghoon running towards him with the trophy in his hands.

"You were cheering for me. Are you happy that your efforts worked out?" Sunghoon proudly asked as he showed his trophy to Sunoo.

"Those were your efforts not mine," Sunoo said as his eyes never left the beautiful shining big trophy.

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