001| Change 🎧

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A/N - Here's the first chapter.
Enjoy my loveess.


The ride to my new school was silent.
Mummy sat in the front seat with the driver, giving necessary directions.

Wendy sat with me at the back, gazing out of the window just like I am doing.

In all honesty, I have not interest in this school and I have no yearning or what ever to come and learn, but my parents are not having it.

I have to heal, they say.
I have to make friends, they say.
I have to be a typical teenage girl, they say.

And I and Wendy roll our eyes as if on cue.

Coming to a halt Infront of a giant white gate, that had white bold words.


To make our stars shine.

A well dressed security officer came out of their small room usually Infront of the gate.

Popping his head into the car, he looked at us all, until recognition washes over him and he smiles at my Mum.

"Mama, the mama! Our own Mama! Ah ah. Mama are these your children?"
The security man asked.

Who does not know my Mum?

Mrs Erica James-Ohaneze, the commissioner for agriculture in our state.

She can never be forgotten easily. And she never even put in any effort.

Trust me, if modest was a person, it'll be my mum.

"Damilare! Must you loud am? Dam Dam now, you know I'm a very busy woman, please let us pass, ehnn."
Mum said and he smiled again.

"Okay Ma! Twale ma!"
He said and ordered the other boys to open the gate.

The driver drove into the big compound and the first thing I saw on my right hand was a hall.

It had in bold words,


There was a fountain Infront of the hall. There were flowers of different kinds and some sort of walk way.

The road after the hall was a tad road that had a green carpet grass by the side.

We kept going as Mum was giving directions to the driver.

Wendy held on to me in adoration.

"This place is beautiful."
She said to me, smiling.

I nodded in response and Mum turned to us.

"The school is smaller than your old school due to it's prestige. I want you all to put extra effort into everything this time around.
Your studies, body, and relationships."
She stressed that word as she looked at me.

I shook my head.
"I'm socially awkward. Sue me,"
I replied.

"By visiting day, I expect you to have at least one friend or else, you'll be grounded.
With out your phone or a book of any sort."
Mum threatened.

Wow, mum. How motherly of you.

Just then, we entered another gate that had the inscription
Female Hostels.

Our driver drove in and stopped by a small building that had the words

Registration and check point.

Mum got down from the car, and I and Wendy tagged along, but for some reason, people were staring at us in awe.

I totally understood them.
Our clothes made so much attention come to us.

Wendy was in a purple short and a white short sleeved top. Then, she wore a white Crocs to top it off.

I, on the other hand, was dressed in an over all and a green long sleeved silky top
with a white and black Nike Jordans.

We got into the small building and was met with a short petite woman with glasses worn on the bridge of her nose.

She seemed familiar with my mum and so I allowed myself to guess that it was when mum came to register us and find out more about the school.

She told us that they were six hostels for the girls and boys but for the girls, they were all named after brave women in the world.

Each hostel had twelve rooms and each rooms had six occupants.

The first hostel,
Maya Angelou Hostel.

The second hostel,
Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche

The third hostel,
Michelle Obama Hostel.

The fourth hostel,
Fumilayo Ransome Kuti

The fifth hostel,
Queen Elizabeth II Hostel.

And the last hostel,

Queen Amina Hostel.

She said that each hostel had students from JSS1 till SS3 classes in all of them and one hostel mistress to guide them.
Each hostel also had a hostel prefect.

We found out her name was Mrs Ona.

She decided to put I and Wendy in the
Michelle Obama Hostel.

We got into the car again and Mum gave the driver directions of the hostel and we saw the building right in the middle
The CNA hostel and MA hostel.

We went in and met the Hostel mistress for our hostel,
Miss Lila.

She gave Wendy a room and Mum went ahead to help, while I offloaded my things from the car,
wondering what my life has in stock for me.

This change is really dramatic.



Is it me, or am I unserious?

Starting a new book at this point in your life??

I hope you like this chapter.

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