008| A bag of secrets 💔🚩

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I was playing with my jollof rice in my plate.
Rigel crest high chefs were amazing, I had to admit.

But it was me.

I wasn't in the mood to eat.

No, I wasn't.

I pushed my food and sighed.

I thought no one noticed this but I was wrong.

Remi seemed to notice and since he was sitting beside me.

"You okay?" He asked silently, so others would not notice.

"Yeah," I said, smiling thankfully.
"I'm alright."

No, I'm not.

I saw Wendy right there, with her friends, laughing and walking to her table.

That was a great opportunity to call her.


She turned, her beautiful smooth dark face glistening under the cafeteria.

Her face broke into a smile as she walked over to our table.

"Is that your sister?"
Ike asked.

I nodded.

Wendy reached our table and smiled at me.

"Hey Ed."
She said to me.

I stood aside the table and held her softly.

"Wassup? How're you?"
I asked her.

"Look at you being all loved up on me,"
She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"You're fine then. My room is room 03. These are my friends. See you."

"Wait, Ed,"
Wendy said to me.
"Audrey called."

I froze. Turning around, I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"She said that Casper is out of prison. He was accused falsly. Casper never had anything to do with Debra's rape,"


Debra swore that Casper had everything to do with her rape.

I chose a traitor over my own brother?

My eyes got clouded with tears.

"Ed, don't cry here,"
Wendy's voice was pleading.
"Your friends are getting worried."

I nodded, taking a deep breath and smiling at her.

"Anything else?"
I asked.

"Audrey lost her baby."
She stated.

Was all I could muster.
I said again.

I wonder what Jesi would say when she heard all that was going on.

We missed Jesi, our oldest sister. We missed her so much. And Jasper too, her twin brother.

"Take it easy sis, if you need to talk–"

I cut Wendy short.

"I'm fine. I'm okay. I don't need to talk. See you later Wendy."

She sent me one last worried look before walking away to her table.

I went back to mine and they were all looking at me in worry, except Beauty, of course.

I had to ask.

They all looked away, well except Dozie and Nneka.

I gave them the best fake smile I had and returned to swallowing my food down terribly.

"Can we talk, Edwin?"

It was Rodney who spoke.

I could see Beauty from the corner of my eyes, glaring at me.

"Of course, yeah,"
I said, shooting him a fake smile.

A fake smile of sadness.

I stood and we moved forward to a table which was partially empty.

"You know, you could've fooled me," Rodney said to me as he sat down on a chair beside me.


"You could have fooled me with your perfect face, smiles and good grades. You could have fooled me with all that into thinking you are perfect."

I blinked.

Ignoring the part where he said my face was perfect, I cleared my throat.

"I know you are hurt, and I will find out what's wrong,"

I waved him off, chuckling briefly.

"What makes you think that?"

"Edwin, you're always blacking out."
He deadpanned.
"I'm a psychological freak. I feed on things like these."

Um, okay?

"You hardly eat, you're odly quiet and tears well up in your eyes almost all the time,"
He stated matter of factly.

I felt attacked, but I kept my voice neutral and my eyes dead.

"So what if I am? How's that any of your concern?"

He exhaled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to attack you. I just wanted to tell you that I know how you feel. I get it. It's hard, but you're friends are there for you.
Nneka, Oba and Esosa, they can always help, you know?"

I shook my head.

"How can they help me when I don't know entirely what's wrong?"
I asked.

I sighed.

"I appreciate your care and all, but it's fine.
I don't need anyone to carry my bag of secrets with me,
It's heavy, but I'm not selfish.
I won't let anyone be burdened by my problems,"

I stood up.

"Nice conversation, Rodney,"
I said to him before I stood and left the cafeteria and went back to class.


Anyone who has watched Best Friends In The World, Beauty is Iris.

I think they look alike in my own imagination.

Also, don't be a silent reader,

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