013| Conversations 💬✨

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The eyes are the windows to the soul,
And all I see in your eyes right now,
Is pain.


I was angry.

Very angry.

I was angry that she dared to stop me from beating him to pulp. She had no idea what was going on, and she had no right to stop me.

He should be sorry.

I turned around at the noise from the entrance of the garden, and there she was, with a first aid box.

She walked over to me, seemingly unsure of herself and at the same time amused at my angry reaction.

"What, are you doing here?!"
I growled.

"Oh come on, Rodney. You don't have to pretend."
She said waving me off.

"Pretend?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Mmhmm. That you're not glad to see me,"

"I'm not glad to see you,"
I spat.

That was a lie, for the records.

"What ever rocks your boat, Rodney."
She commented as she sat beside me on the blue ceramic bench.

"I didn't ask you to sit,"
I stated spitefully.

Edwin rolled her eyes at me.
"I came here to help you.
Stop being so bossy,"

"I did not ask for your help."
I stated coldly.

"Pride, Rodney. That's the name of your problem."
She told me.

She brought out stuff from the first aid box.

A cotton wool and a menthylated spirit.

Adding a little bit of spirit on the cotton wool, she grabbed my hand - without permission- and added spirit on my knuckles.

Then, swiftly putting a bandit on it.

I stared at her slim hands as she applied everything.
I stared at how her eyes were so concentrated on what she was doing, and then, her overgrown finger nails.

"Done!" She chirped.

I stared up at her eyes, blue-brown, and all though they were usually blank, they were filled with emotions.

Her eyes were smiling.

"You're welcome," she said after staring at me for a while and getting no words from me.

"I'm still mad at you."
She raised her eyebrows at me.

"For saving you from prison,"
She stated slowly.

"Did you see the way Beauty looked at me today?"
I asked. "Did you see the hurt in them?"

"We're human and we all fall short. That's normal."
She said to me.

Her eyes were blank again and her face was emotionless.

"I like her, Edwin, I like her.
I wanted to save her from any harm. From Judas."

"And does she know that?"
She asked, not missing a beat.

"No." I replied, jaws clenched. "But-"

"No buts," she said raising her palms in the air.
"You have no rights to want to kill a person's son.
Abeg, you have not given birth before."

"I think you're just being jealous."
I spat.

Amusement laced in her voice, a half smirk on her face.

"Yes. That no one has ever done this for you before. That you have no one to fall back on. Everybody loves Beauty, and it's ticking you off.
She's perfect,"

She folded her arms, getting up.

"Tell me five reasons I will be jealous of Beauty."

I stood too, matching her energy.

"She's beautiful. More than you are. She's smarter than you. She's loved in this school.
She has curves something you're skinny body can never contend with, she is jaw dropping, you aren't.

I can go -"

Edwin cut me shut with a slap.

Tears were in her eyes.

"That's all I am to you, yeah?
Odd, attention seeking, ugly?
That's how you feel, right?
I tried to help and-"

She stopped with a loud groan.

"In your life, if you ever say that rubbish you just said, I'll choke you till you can't breathe, I promise you!
You don't know pain, you don't know rejection, you don't ever know how I've felt, you have no right, absolutely non to judge me.

I didn't choose this life!
It chose me! And it's hard.
It is hard,"

She screamed, tears brimming her eyes.

I called out.

"Shut up!"
She screamed, and pushed the first aid box on the floor before giving me one distasteful look and walking out of the garden.

I bent down, picking up the things from the floor as my subconscious scolded me.

What have you done?
What have you done?


What have you done, Rodney?

That conversation excavated pretty quickly.

Buh, honestly, though body shaming is so wrong and unnecessary. Like, did God take me to different compartments in heaven and ask me to choose the body of my choice?

Let's be real and considerate, abeg 🙏.

I've actually been judged for being skinny actually, and I still shiver when I think about it.

It hurts, abeg.

The most annoying is when people mockingly tell you to eat so you'll fatten, or you're not eating enough.

As if everybody's food grows in their body.

Like, the same people that praise Zendaya for her body, still shame us for our own when it is literally the same thing!

Abeg, I'm tired.

The society always finds a way to let you know you aren't enough.

Vote and Comment and see you in the next chapter.


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