026| End Of Year Party 2 🎄🎁

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   I was surprised at the amount of parents that turned up. Even Mum was there.

"I'm nervous." I whispered to Rodney who was beside me.

He chuckled before squeezing my fingers.

"You shouldn't be," he whispered back.
"Are you happy that you're going home?" He asked.

"No," came my reply.
"But there's nothing I can do."

"We can run away together,"
He suggested.

I smiled at him, hitting him slightly.

"Very cute and all, but I'm not sure the girls in this school will forgive me."
I replied.

Rodney chuckled as we went to look for a place to sit.

     I ended up sitting between Rodney and Adeyemi as we watched the show.

Oba's dancing was amazing, Bri's solo was wonderful and Nneka's poem was beautiful.

I was so glad I had such lovely talents and were not afraid to use it.

When it was time for us to sing our Christmas carols, I scanned the crowd, looking for my mum.

She was there, Audrey too, and they both had worried expressions on their faces.

What's wrong with them?

I thought, but ignored the pit that was about to form in my stomach.

I and Adeyemi sang our song, causing a calm to fall in the hall as everyone listened and got lost in the music.

The thing with my voice is, it's not deep enough to be auto and not high enough to be suprano, so it's sitting somewhere in the middle.

When we were done, the crowd went very wild, clapping their hands and standing up and screaming.

And of course, when Adeyemi nudged me, I looked at the spot my friends were sitting, all shouting and whooping and clapping their hands in excitement.

"Looks like we have our biggest fans already."
I told him and he chuckled, shaking his head at them as we went back stage.

"I think I'm going to be a musician." Adeyemi said to me. "But I'll get a degree for my father's sake."

I smiled at him.
"I'm sure you'll be a great musician. Just, don't follow the wrong crowd."
I advised him.

He smiled at me.
"Of course. I wouldn't do something God does not approve of."
He replied.

"And that's awesome! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
I told him.

Maybe I wasn't close to God, but I was working on it, and I knew more these days that maybe, God actually loves me.

As we were about walking out of the back stage, Oba ran up to me, holding white, fat envelopes with our school logo on it.

"I got your results!" She said in a sing song voice.
She handed the envelopes to us.
"The ceremony is almost over, so we went and got our results. Lu's already here and I'm leaving now, but I'll make sure to call. Love you guys!"
She said, pulling I and Adeyemi into one of her warm hugs, before turning around and skipping away.

I brought out my result from the envelope, my eyes skipping through the various subjects.


To make our stars shine.

Mathematics - 52 - C2

English Language - 77 - A1

Civic Education - 85 - A1

Economics - 67 - B2

Biology - 75 - A1

Government - 88 - A1

Literature-in-english - 86 - A1
(class best)

Christian Religious Studies - 95 - A1 ( class best)

Data Processing - 68 - B2

Yoruba Language - 55 - C4

R E S U L T   G R A D E  ; A


I smiled to myself, as I noted the improvement of my result, and ignored the nagging disappointment over Maths and Yoruba.

I did my best.

I made sure to tell all my friends good bye before rushing over to Audrey who pulled me into her arms for a hug.

"You did great and that was awesome!" Audrey said and I smiled in satisfaction.

"Thank you, Sister." I told her when we pulled away.

"Let's go home, Wendy already brought your stuff,"
Audrey said to me and I rolled my eyes internally.

I checked the booth of the benz just to make sure all my stuff was complete since I packed the previous night.

They were, and I entered into Audrey's Benz as she started the car.

"Good afternoon mum,"
I greeted her.

Mum smiled at me, before replying.

"Good afternoon my daughter. You sang very well." She commented.

"Thank you ma," I told her, smiling a little.

I handed her my result, and she scanned my result, smiling a little.

"Your result is okay, but it seems Maths and Yoruba are still giving you trouble."
Mum said to me.

I nodded, though she couldn't see me, before replying.

"They're still giving me trouble, Ma,"

"Should we get a lesson teacher for you?" She asked.

I laughed a bit.
"That hasn't worked before, Ma."

"It's alright then. Keep studying hard. This is an awesome result."
Mum said and I smiled.

At least reading to ignore your problems has paid off.

I patted myself on the back, internally.

"As for you, Wendy," Audrey called, anger very evident in her voice. "You're in serious trouble young lady. Let's wait until we get home."

I sighed.

I did my best. Both for myself and for Wendy.


Raise your hand if Maths and Yoruba dey show you shege too.


Gah, I hate my hair.
But, I don't hate it enough to cut it, though.

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MUAH , 💋😚.

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