024| The Wind 🌬️📔

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I was surprised at how quickly things changed and times flew. I guess that's life.

Exams were around the corner, and reading was my top priority.

  I and Rodney became undeniably closer in that period, because of a lot of factors, that rumors started flying over our heads that we were dating.

This caused Destiny and Beauty to hate me even more. At some point, Oba began to distance herself from her, then Beauty and Destiny became best of friends.

I and Treasure grew closer, as we were both in Press Club.

Bri went home for a while and came back later.
According to what she told us, she'd succeeded in making her parents stay together and there weren't getting a divorce any time soon.

I guess the wind took time away from all of us, and things began to feel a little right. For me, at least.

Wendy was getting into trouble every time, with her delinquent boyfriend, David.

She was already a popular queen bee in her set, but however, the straw on the camel's back was when I'd coincidentally passed by an empty class, and saw her locked in a lip battle with that boy, David.

I marched over to her class, and grabbed her by the ear, bringing her out of the class.

Adeyemi and IK, who were with me, were asking me to calm down, but that was far from possible.

"Are you stupid?" I yelled.
"Your mates are in class and you're busy kissing a boy?"
I asked, as I let go of her ear violently.

"What's your business?" She fired. "What is it? How does it concern you?"

I sighed, looking up at the ceiling and clenching my fist.

"You are my sister, for crying out loud! Don't be stupid and get in trouble in this school like you did the last time!"
I yelled, matching her energy.

"I wish I wasn't your sister!"
Wendy yelled getting all up in my face.

"Hey, madam, keep your distance you spoilt brat,"
IK snapped on my behalf.

She cowered back on impulse.

"So what I was suspended?
I only cheated in the exam hall, but you!" She exclaimed pointing at me. "You left your whole life in Agatha High, because you suddenly had anxiety because of one girl!
Because of Debra, you left your whole life at Agatha High and you made me come with you! Are you the first friend to loose her friend to cancer?"
She questioned.

My blood boiled and my mind was processing everything slowly.

"Debra is not dead."
I said, lowly, dangerously.

But that did not seem to faze her.

"Oh please! That is a pathetic lie! She's dead and there's –
I think you're a coward, Edwin."

I reached forward, and gave her a resounding slap on her face.

"I think you're a bitch." I said to her in annoyance.

My slap seemed to wake her up from her trance, because she looked like she only just realized what she'd said.

"Edwin, I'm sorry," Wendy whispered, gripping her cheek.

"What you do to me at home, isn't it enough?" I ask her, tears brimming my eyes.
"You have everyone at your beck and call. I don't bother you! But still, you hate me.
You a hate me. I have only Debra, is it too hard for you not to talk about her?"
I asked.

"Edwin, I'm sorry." She said again.

"That's enough abeg. When your mouth was running, you didn't know, right?"
IK asked. "AY, take her to class. David, you're coming with me, Wendy, get out of my sight."

    The remaining days passed in a blur. I studied till I knew almost all the questions in my WAEC past questions, till I knew almost everything in my heart.

Examinations came, examinations left.

Operation senior year was both easy and hard, all at once.

Operation senior year, unbeknownst to me, was going to save my life.
Operation senior year, was also going to kill me.

You know what they say?

What can't kill you makes you stronger.

You know what I say?

Somethings kill you, so you'll come back stronger.

But it's never that easy.

On the last day of our examinations, I took a walk with Rodney, Oba and Adeyemi.

"I'm so happy exams are over! I can't wait to go back to dance class."
Oba exclaimed.

"Asin. I and Edwin will scatter their heads with our voices."
Adeyemi said, nudging me.

I smiled a little bit.

All in all, I had a great time.

But those great times were like some sort of compensation for the bad times coming.

I had no idea.

Words; 776

Vote, comment, share, all the good things.
Y'know, because I'm always giving you free kisses.


So, IK doesn't like Wendy,
Me too!

Please raise your hands to join the Wendy hating team.

Lemme start.🙋🏼.

Going to the next chapter, shall we?

Almost forgot


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