A Fork In The Road

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My phone goes off in my pocket, but I ignore it. I walk down the road and continue walking, tears slowly falling from my eyes. I pass numerous trees and beautiful houses and pricey vehicles parked in the driveways. I'm not all that familiar with this road, but I need the release. I need to reflect on what I've done and what I almost let Toby do.

The fear that I messed up our friendship eats away at me. I know that there is no way that we will ever be able to go back from almost having sex. I know that I've changed everything between us. I made him believe that I wanted something more than just an escape from my pain, and I don't know how I'll ever be able to take it back.

I love him so much, but I'm not in love with him, and I don't see him in the way he obviously sees me.

My phone doesn't stop ringing, so I pull it out and turn it off.

When I come to a fork in the road, I notice that a black Chevy pickup is stopped at the stop sign. The truck is large but quiet, and when I get a little bit closer to where I can see the figure of the driver in one of the mirrors, I feel my heart pound a little faster.

It's the beautiful stranger. The one with the gorgeous blue eyes.

As I approach the vehicle, the same flutter from the night before appears in my stomach again, but I continue on.

I walk in front of the truck while it's stopped and risk a glance behind me where I find the stranger staring right back at me. His blue eyes are watching me very closely, his lips part, and a mischievous smile curves his mouth. I want to move but I can't. His eyes freeze me in place, and the look in them tells me that he knows it.

The next thing I know, his passenger door swings open, and he steps out. He looks even hotter than last night, if that's even possible. His shirt is a maroon colored button-up that matches the dark denim jeans that fit him seamlessly.

"I know you." He says with a flirty smile. The deep dimples in his cheeks and chin indent and his eyes brighten.

I quickly turn around to see if anyone else is on the road with us but find that it is only us at the fork.

"You're the girl from last night." He continues while taking a step toward me, and I can feel the heat he gives off as he closes the distance between us.

My mind drifts after the scent of him wafts near me. He smells of mint and soap and man.

"Yeah. Thanks again." I manage to say. I'm not sure what to do. This could be dangerous in more ways than one.

"I was just headed to get some food; do you want to come along?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

I'm not sure what's going on. Is he asking me out?

No. I shouldn't do this, especially after what happened between Toby and me. "You don't know me." I say, and I hate how superior I sound.

He shoves his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, pulling them down just a little bit with a look of skepticism.

"I think everyone knows who you are, Hollie Abbott." His tone is clipped as he looks at me sternly. It appears I have touched a nerve. I guess I'm not surprised that he knows who I am, but I am a little angry that he didn't mention it last night.

"Fair enough." I shrug carelessly. "But I'm on my way home, so no thanks on the food."

He looks around for a moment, no doubt searching for my vehicle that must be parked somewhere nearby. "You’re walking all the way back?" He asks with curious eyes, arrogance crossing his features.

Not that it is any of his business, "I was with a friend." I explain with folded arms.

"That same friend who came to your rescue last night?" He pries inquisitively. His cold glare chills me to the bone.

Just then, a yellow car pulls up behind his idle truck and beeps. "Get the hell out of the way!" The angry driver shouts from the rolled down window. He is middle-aged with pepper hair and thick glasses.

"Come with me." The stranger urges, eyebrows raised with interest. His blue eyes are warm and friendly. "Please?"

I freeze for a brief second until the angry driver lays on the horn once again, pulling me from the daze I’ve fallen in. I don't respond, I just follow him to his truck and get in beside him.

He waits for me to get buckled in the seat before pulling away from the side of the road and driving on.

What am I doing!?

I mentally have a panic attack in the passenger seat of the truck that I shouldn't be in.

The interior is all black leather, and it smells fresh. I notice an iPod plugged into the audio player that is playing rock music. The truck is standard, and I find myself watching as he shifts gears.

"What made you get in?" The stranger glances in my direction, his eyes pinning me in place.

"Maybe it had something to do with getting beeped at?" I respond with a nervous bite of my lip. It's what I do when I'm uncomfortable and unsure how to react.

His eyes flick to my lips before bringing his attention back to the street ahead. We are now stuck behind a handful of cars stopped at a red light.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks me in a serious tone, eyes searching my face for a long pause.

I feel naked to him, like he can look deep into the places of myself that I try to keep hidden.

"No." I shake my head in response, "Should I?"

"No." He says, but something doesn't feel right in the way he's talking to me. "I'm Zach, by the way."

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