The Pills Are Out Of The Bag

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"Does this mean that we're done?" He asks with caution as he holds the bag out to me.

"Of course, it does." I snap and then take the bag from him. "This entire thing with you is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. You blackmailed me into having sex with you just so that I could save my father's reputation." My gaze is cold, and I feel frustrated as I confront him. "Who in the hell continues to sleep with their blackmailer!? I do! How messed up is that?" I want to remain calm, but the weight of the anger and disappointment I feel within myself all comes charging out.

I'm angry at myself for falling for his seductive charms. I'm angry at myself for getting lost in the way his beautiful eyes stop me dead in my tracks. I'm angry that I went back for more after he used Dad as a way to get me right where he wanted me. I'm disappointed in myself that I allowed myself to surrender my virginity over to him.

"I shouldn't have done that." His tone is soft and smooth, and he attempts to look away from me, embarrassed at his actions.

"No, you don't get to take that back." I stare with warning eyes.

"I know that. I was too consumed with revenge that I couldn't see what I was doing." He begins to confess with a deep sigh.

His blue eyes are on me, trying to calm the angry storm inside. I can feel my heart beating faster inside my chest, crashing furiously against my ribcage.

I hate the way my body reacts to him. I hate the way that I swoon with just one long look from him. I hate the way my thighs ache when his scent surrounds me. I hate the way that I can't seem to catch my breath when he carelessly licks his lips. I hate the way my knees buckle when he kisses me.

But most of all, I hate myself for not hating him at all.

"Stop, Zach." I warn him with a protective hand on his chest, pushing him away from me.

"Stop what?" He asks with a flicker of a flame in his ocean eyes as he covers my hand with his. "What am I doing?" His dangerous gaze falls to my parted lips. His voice is low and seductive, a sound that vibrates in his throat. He swallows slow, the muscles in his face perfectly sculpted.

"Is this a game to you?" I demand. I don't feel in control when it comes to being around him, so I'm starting to lash out. I violently shove him away.

He stumbles but quickly gets his footing. "No, it's not a game!" He exclaims with a tight expression. "I'm sorry for blackmailing you, I really am. But, I can't stay away. I don't want to be done."

"That's not up to you!" I tell him through wicked eyes and a shake of my head. "I'm done making dumb decisions when it comes to you."

As we're arguing in the driveway, I spot a car coming down the road out of the corner of my eye. When it slows down, I turn to walk away from him.

"I know we have something here." Zach shouts, annoyed that I'm leaving him behind. "Don't pretend that we don't. I know you can feel it."

"I'm not doing this." I shake my head and continue toward the front door to my house. "Go home, Zach."

I'm just about to reach the first step when I am brutally grabbed from behind. Zach grabs my hand and spins me around, then pulls me right into a demanding kiss.

I'm not going to lie; his lips feel good against mine, but I can't allow myself to be pulled back under by him.
But I can't force myself to pull away from him either. I feel myself slowly losing the fight. My traitor lips slowly move with his, accepting anything that he's offering me.

I finally pull away when I hear what appears to be a slamming car door that comes from behind us.

When I turn around to face the noise, I see Toby standing there with mixed emotions on his face. His hazel eyes never leave my brown ones as he searches for an answer to what it is that he is seeing.

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