And Then There Was Two

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As soon as he relaxes against the leather, the familiar scent of his cologne makes my heart race. He watches me with careful, searching eyes when he allows his leg to relax against mine. The instant that I feel the heat from his skin through the light denim jeans he has on, I feel a rush of waves crash at my core.

“You good?” Asks Tyler after my character is once again killed on the screen.

I swallow before I answer him, blinking away from Zach, “Yeah, I’m just no good.” My voice wavers and sounds small.

“We can find something else to do if you want?” He suggests and sets his controller down on the floor beside him. “Just let me go use the bathroom first.”

I quickly move away from Zach on the sofa before Tyler stands and begins walking down the hall.

“Stop with these games,” I say as I angrily push on his shoulder and get up from the sofa. “I’ve had it.”

A grin pulls at his lips, “You like to play.”

“No, Zach, I don’t.” I fold my arms across my chest and glare at him. “I did what you wanted, and now we are done. Leave me the hell alone.”

He stands with a huff, “We’re done when I say we are.” He says with hard eyes and a dismissive tone.

“No.” I shake my head. “What more is there?”

He searches my face for a moment, I watch as he swallows and attempts to open his mouth to say something back when Tyler returns with a curious yet obviously jealous look on his face.

“Something up?” He asks with irritation.

Zach’s eyes roll, and he looks past me, and when he finds Tyler, he glares rudely at him. “Nope. She’s all yours.”

We all hear laughing coming from the hall, and then seconds later, Zander and Sally come walking out, holding hands. I notice that Sally’s shirt is on inside out, and her hair is a tangled mess. Zander’s black spiked hair is poking out all around his ears, and his shirt is buttoned up all wrong. I can’t help but giggle when I see them all disheveled like that.

“Zach. I heard you and Travis talking the other day at my restaurant. ” Sally says and looks directly into Zach’s eyes.

Zach places his hands deeply into the front of his jeans. He’s uncomfortable. He doesn’t make eye contact with me, and when I try to catch his stare, he turns away.

“Who was that girl?” Sally drills him.

“What girl?” He plays dumb and acts as though he couldn’t care less to answer her.

“The girl that I’m pretty sure was not just a hookup to you.” She says next with nosy eyes.

Zach’s blue eyes find mine for a split second before he quickly looks away, and ice glazes over them, settling back behind the artic wall that he let down the other night. “She was just a virgin that I screwed. She didn’t know what she was doing and she wasn’t very good.”

When he begins to speak about me, something in my stomach churns, and it doesn’t make me feel good about myself at all. The way he defiles me and talks down about me makes me want to run and hide. “She reminded me why I don’t have sex with virgins. They are too much of a hassle.”

I can’t stand here and listen to him run me down, so I head out the door.

The air is crisp and smells of autumn in the night. The first week of October has brought along the first snowfall of the season. The remnants of the small flurry still stick to the roads and bare trees, a thin blanket of glittering white. I can see my breath as I walk to the foot of the steps and put my head down on my knees.

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