Innocent When You Dream

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I find myself at that same white house with the dark blue window shutters, and a smile that I can't control appears on my face when I see the dark Chevy parked in the driveway.

This time, I'm not nervous anymore.

Marching right up the porch steps, I firmly knock on the door. My heart hammers against my ribcage when the large door swings open, slowly revealing the man with the beautiful blue eyes. He stands before me wearing a pair of loose grey sweatpants that hug his hips as they should, and his normally golden blond hair is a honey color now, drops of water sliding down his face.

He's just showered.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but my car broke down at the bottom of the hill, and I was hoping I could use your phone," I say sweetly with a nervous bite of my lip.

The man focuses on my lips, and a flash of lust is there for a second in his cold but extremely hot gaze.

The hair on the back of my neck shoots up; this man is hot, and I feel things that I haven't felt before. Probably ever.

He says nothing. Instead, he walks back inside to retrieve the phone, handing it to me carefully, making sure that his fingertips gently caress my knuckles on purpose.

My breath hitches in the back of my throat, and I take a step toward him. His blue eyes peer into my brown ones, telling me that he wants me just as bad as I want him.

"You can use the phone," He gives me a sly smile that reaches his eyes, "but, I want something in return." His eyebrow raises, challenging me to his game.

I'm pinned in place by his intense stare, "What do you want?" I ask with another bite of my bottom lip.'

"Why don't you guess, and I'll tell you if you are right." He says back, enjoying himself. "I'll even give you a hint if you want?"

"Okay." I nod.

Just then, the man cups my face in his hands, his thumb brushing across my lips.

I look up into blue eyes that are dead-locked on mine.

He takes a deep breath, his cheekbones more defined now with a ticking jaw. His breathing is harsh when he speaks again, "This is your hint. What do I want?"

His voice is sultry and low, his icy stare feels as though he can see inside me, feel the desperation of my heart hammering inside my chest.

"I don't know," I say back, trying to turn away from him. He doesn't let me.

My lack of experience is stopping me from answering his question truthfully. Because I know what he wants.

He wants to kiss me. It's obvious.

"Sure, you do." He says, eyes searching mine, "Say it."

My knees buckle and threaten to give in. "Kiss me?" I say. His eyes light up with a smile and I nearly fall backward. "Is that what you want?"

"I know that I'm not the only one who wants it." He nods before he decides to test the waters out, rubbing slow circles on the back of my neck where his hands are holding me in place. A small, soft gasp escapes my lips, and my stomach flips and flutters. "I see the way you respond to me. "

But it's not the man who leans in at first. It's me, but once our lips finally meet, he takes control-

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