A Way With Words

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"Was that not boyfriend?" Zach buts in with inquiring eyes.

"So, what?" I snap, taking the guilt, I feel over the situation with Toby out on him. He ignores the bite in my tone and continues to pry.

"Having some problems?" A look of fake concern plagues his face. I can see right through the empty facade.

"Yup." I bite again, this time meaning to make him feel put off.

"Let me take a guess." He says and sits up in his chair, leans over the table while pointing a French fry my way. "He's in love with you?" His face hard, eyes scanning me like a fine laser beam.

"Shut up." I retort with folded arms.

"I’m, right, aren't I?" The knowing grin on his face widens as he pops the French fry into his mouth.

He is so frustrating!

What business is it of his about my love life, or lack thereof? Why does he think that he has a right to ask me such personal questions? He doesn't know anything about me, other than the fact that I’m the daughter of the Sherriff.

"Okay!" So, what about you!?" The fierceness of my voice causes me to bolt upright in my chair. If he wants to play, I'll play.

"What about me?" He laughs smugly around the glass of his soda. His eyes carefully watch my mouth. "What do you want to know?"

"Who's in love with you?" My blood pulses though my body making me suddenly brave. I'm not going to sit here and be forced into a conversation that makes me uncomfortable. If he wants answers, so do I.

He laughs at me condescendingly, like I’m some child. "No one, I hope. I don't have a girlfriend." He raises an eyebrow playfully, urging me to continue playing his game. "I have friends." His eyes instantly grow dark, and his lips curl into a wicked grin.

I've heard of bedroom eyes but before today I'd never experienced them. His eyes are dangerous. I get both chilled and burned when he looks at me.

"Oh." I'm speechless and unsure of what to say, so I'm not able to stop the puff of air that escapes my lips. I know my cheeks are blushing, and I can feel the heat on my face. I'm not playing his game very well at all.

I’m not sure if I react to his charismatic ways because he is damn near the hottest thing I’ve set eyes on, or the fact that in all my twenty-one years on the earth, I’ve never had sex.

Maybe I crave the feeling of a strong man more than I’ll ever admit.

"Yeah." He responds with a soft whisper and a slow swallow. "Oh."

The muscles in his throat contract once more, and the ache between my thighs intensifies.

I force my legs together to stop the feeling from taking over, but the blush that had started at my cheeks moments earlier spreads.

Does he know he’s doing this to me? Does he know he’s making me feel like this?

I want to respond, say something to put him on his toes for once. I want to be the one to take his breath away, render his speechless for a change, but my phone goes off on the table, the impact of the vibration making it dance around.

A victorious smirk slowly slides into place as he leans back in his chair to watch me.

He thinks he's won.

He has won.

I look down, and Toby's picture lights up the screen. I know that I shouldn't answer, but I've hurt him enough tonight. I attempt to ignore the smug look on Zach's face as I bring the phone to my ear and connect the call.

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