Hung Over

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The next morning, I wake up to a violent migraine. The light from outside makes my head pound, and when I sit up, I feel dizzy and a little sick.

"Go away, sun." I complain groggily as I lay back down and pull the covers back over my head.

Down the hall, I can hear Sally's phone conversation. She appears to be talking to her boss because she's not happy. "No! Today is supposed to be my day off!"

She argues for another fifteen minutes before she's in my doorway, "It's a good thing I didn't get too drunk last night because a couple of waitresses called in and I have to go in to cover their shifts." She is clearly upset.

"Ok. I can take a cab home." I say underneath the blankets.

"No way. You can stay here and recover." She says with that same cheery voice, which usually makes me happy. However, now I am hung over, and I just want her to go away.

"Gee. Thanks." I respond miserably.

She exits my room, and I hear her in the other room getting ready for her shift. I hear her try on at least three different pairs of heels, the "thud" of each pair getting louder after being discarded. I hear the hair straightener beep twice telling her that it is heated up and ready to be used. And then I hear her heels against the hardwood as she walks into the bathroom and shuts the door to finish primping.


My phone lights up with a call on the nightstand, but I just glance at the name blinking on the screen. Dad. I'll shoot him a quick text later when I can move without the room spinning.

Just as I'm starting to drift off back to sleep, I'm startled awake by the sound of Sally's very far away but still rather loud voice, "Sleep tight, princess." She laughs for a moment as she finally leaves me in complete silence.

Once I hear the apartment door shut, I turn off my phone and hibernate underneath the covers. It takes a little while for the pounding in my head to subside, but once it does, I slowly drift off into dreamland.

I wake up four hours later feeling a lot better. However, my mouth feels very dry. I slowly sit myself up in the bed, testing to see if the pounding in my head returns. When it doesn't, I make my way into the kitchen. I look around at the empty chip bags, all the half gone liquor bottles and solo cups scattered throughout the counter tops. The room is a disaster, and seeing the mess takes me back to last night.

Everything escalated and fast. My head is still spinning from what Zach had said. I'd never seen someone so angry before, I'd never seen such cold eyes, but when he looked at me while he explained the things Dad had supposedly done, I couldn't see anything in those blue eyes. He was consumed by his rage, and being near him made me nervous in a way that I still don't quite understand. I'd never been so helpless against the thoughts of my own body, how they so easily drowned out my heart and silenced my will to fight. I'd never wanted to surrender to someone so bad for the promises that left his dangerous lips.

I've never truly believed that virginity was anything special. To be honest, I had always wanted to just get it over with before I met the one guy I saw any potential with. Besides, who would want their first time with someone they love to be painfully awkward? I think that's why I almost had sex with Toby. Not because I'm in love with him or see a future there, he is just someone who I trust with my life and feel completely natural around. If I were to lose my virginity, then I couldn't really see myself being with anyone else but him. If I'm being honest with myself, the only reason I stopped him from taking me upstairs to his bedroom was because I saw the look in his eyes. I saw how invested he was and I knew that if we were to have sex then he would of had a false sense of security in a relationship between the two of us and I just couldn't lead him on like that. Not when he has always been there for me through the good times and the bad. Not when he has been the best friend that I've ever had.

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