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Sally comes back before I can reply.

"So." She gushes, her eyes bright with happiness, "Toby is coming to the Halloween party next week!"

I'm genuinely happy and excited for her but at the same time I'm sad and a little jealous that she gets to be happy like that and I don't, because I know I'll never be able to be as free with Zach as she will be with Toby. "That's awesome, Sally." I try to force enthusiasm into my voice because I don't want to rain on her parade.

"I'm so nervous!" She exclaims with a slap on her knee. "I already have my costume but maybe I should buy something less-risqué?"

"No, you should be yourself." I firmly say. "Sally, you are a pretty awesome girl."

"But, I just don't think a Masquerade, Flapper is appropriate for someone like Toby." She shakes her head with a nervous expression.

"Trust me, He won't know what hit him." I give her honest advice.

Her phone rings and with an eye roll, she answers it and walks into the other room.

I take the moment to bring a box of my clothes into my new room. I set the box down on the bed as I walk and open the closet with the mirrors. I start to unpack the clothes and hang them up in their new home.

I've hung five flowy, summer dresses by the time Sally appears in the doorway.

"That was Shelby, she wants me to stay the night. Apparently, she's having an issue and she's pretty scared." She explains with a tap on the wall to get my attention.

I turn to face her, "I thought we could have a movie night." I responded, slumping over and pouting.

"Me too, but she's freaked out and won't tell me what's up." She smiles with her pout. "We'll make up for it tomorrow?"

"Okay. Tell her I say Hi." I nod.

"You got it." She winks and then walks away.

When I've emptied the box, I go back out into the living room. I divide the remaining boxes by room. I set the Dinnerware and place-settings on the counter. I set the Bathroom necessities on the sink in the Bathroom. I set the DVDs and video games on the sofa, and I bring the rest of my clothes into my room.

I quickly turn on my iPod before returning to folding and putting my clothes away. The playlist plays on, a mixture of country ballads, 80s rock, heavy metal, and rap. As the hours tick, away the room slowly fills with my things and begins to look like someone lives there.

All sweaty from the manual labor I find a pair of short blue shorts and a plain black racerback tank top. When I resume unpacking, I'm much cooler and not so much out of breath.

Music makes unpacking my collection of DVDs much more enjoyable. I'm sitting on the rug in front of the huge box of DVDs, dancing to the catchy beat of Ne-Yo's Beautiful Monster when there's a knock on the door.

Pausing the music, I get up from the floor, fixing my shorts since they've ridden up. I get to the door and open it up slowly, Zach stands on the other side with his hands above the frame of the door. He looks through his arms, eyes ahead.

I step back and catch my breath. I don't know if I'll ever be strong enough to not be affected by his presence.

"You got my text, didn't you?" He asks calmly.

It's hard to remember how he treated me just earlier in the day with his voice so smooth and soft.

"I didn't open it." I lie and cross my arms over my chest, covering myself from his lustful stare.

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