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A week passes and I feel like I'm getting my strength back. I'm able to deal with my pain by myself, besides the occasional crying talks with Sally.

She's been my rock lately. She's who I've been turning to instead of Toby.

I haven't seen much of Toby. He's called a few times but he hasn't stopped by and I haven't shown up at his house either.

I know there is a conversation that needs to take place but I'm good with pretending that everything between us is the same. I'm not ready to have the after-sex talk with him and he's not either or else he would have made some type of effort to come and see me.

I've ignored countless calls and texts from Zach. He has knocked on the door a few times but I've sent him away every time.

I've been doing good on my own and the last thing I need right now is to be distracted by him once more.

I never thought I'd be so thrilled to start my menstrual cycle but when I wake up in the morning with the visit from my aunt Flo, I can't hide the smile of relief.

Period means not pregnant!

I'm in the Kitchen alone cooking up some left-over bacon from last night's BLTs when my phone's ringtone plays on the table. I turn the heat down on the burner before running to answer it.

A number that I don't know pops up on the screen.

I debate for a moment whether to answer the call but I eventually connect the call. "Hello?"

"Flower?" The deep voice on the other end is familiar to me but I just can't place it.

"Flower? No." I respond confused.

There's a pause before the person on the other end is back and louder, "Hollie?! Is that you?"

I lean over the counter and rest my elbows on top of the smooth surface. "Yes, who is this?"

Another pause.

"Why did you think I was someone named, Flower, was it?" I speak carefully.

"It's Travis." He says and I can hear the sound of shock in his tone. "You're Flower?!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with a question in my tone.

"You're in Zach's phone under the name Flower." Explains Travis, his tone is laced with disbelief. "Any idea why?"

He has me in his phone as flower?!

What the hell does that mean?!

"Why are you calling?" I sidestep the question and ask my own.

"Well I'm over here at Zach's house and he is going ballistic. He won't calm down and he's locked himself in the bedroom and I can hear glass breaking. I went through his phone to see if I could find someone who could cool him off and when I went through the messages on the phone I came across the name Flower and it sounded like "Flower" might be able to calm him because of the conversation I read." Travis explains carefully. He sounds concerned about his friend, but he also sounds surprised that I am the "Flower" in the phone.

A heavy weight falls on me.

Did he read our messages?

Does he know everything?!

Does he know about the revenge text?

Does he know that we've been seeing each other?

"Hollie." He says after I go silent.

I'm too afraid to speak, afraid of what he thinks of me now.

"I'm not going to say anything." His voice is low but sincere. "What Zach does is his business."

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