Eternally yours (2/2) [KTH]

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"My love, we'll be reunited till then rest well. I love you my princess."


"NOOO!" Yoora woke up, body covered with sweats. She was breathing heavily. She took the water bottle from the table and gulped down the half of it in one go. At that moment her mother came in her room. "Honey are you ok?" She got worried hearing her daughter's scream. Seeing her mother she broke down. The old woman quickly hugged her and patted her back to calm her down. "Mom h-he j-jumped-"

She sobbed in her mother's embrace. It broke her heart. "H-he d-died in front of m-me and I -I couldn't d-do anything." She choked between her sobs. Her mother took a deep breath and rubbed her back gently. It's been happening since she was born. She always sees a boy in her dreams but his face is not cleared. There's not one night when she sleeps peacefully without getting any bad dream.

It's always been like this. Being worried Yoora's parents consulted several doctors, psychreatist but none of them got her cured. One day they went to visit an old temple. There they encountered an old female monk. Yoora's parents never believed in those types of things but when the old lady called the couple by their names, they couldn't hold themselves. They got curious.

They got another shock when she said that she knew, they've been looking for answers about those nightmares and the way to stop the torture. "H-how do you know?" The lady chuckled and said "I know everything child." Yoora's mother somehow found hope. "Then please tell me what's the reason of these nightmares? My baby cries every night in sleep. I can't see this anymore. Please tell us how to stop this."

The old monk breathed deeply and looked at them then their two years old daughter. "They're not quitely nightmares but the flashbacks of her past life." The parents were again shocked. "But past is past. She's reborn then what's the point of these?" Her father asked. "She's reincarnated for a reason and now that she's getting flashbacks of her past life that means she died without fulfilling her desire." The monk said. "That means she's here to fulfill that wish." The old monk nodded in response. A silence crept across the air.

"Won't be there any way to stop these nightmares?" Her mother asked. "Not really until she gets in contact with something or somewhere relating to her past life." The couple felt heartbroken. "Till then she'll keep getting these nightmares?" The woman sighed before nodding and answered, "I believe so."

Yoora's mother was thinking about all of these when Yoora broke the hug and asked, "Mom when is it gonna end? I'm exhausted." The old woman patted her head. I wish I knew. "Soon honey."


Yoora was walking through the college corridor when she was pulled in a corner. She was about to scream but someone covered her mouth. It was V. She stared at him in shock. He looks more handsome from close. He smirked and leaned closer. "You're staring." She got back to her senses. With a glare she pushed him. "What is this? Why did you bring me here? I swear if you're trying to do something funny I'm gonna kill you."

"Kill me. I'll happily die for you again." Yoora didn't quitely understand. He looked so serious. She thought he would give some cheesy reply like he always does but what changed? What did he mean by again? However she tried to brush her thoughts off. It must be some new game for him. "You better drop the act. I'm not falling for your games. Try it on one of your fangirls. I'm sure they'll love it."

Yoora rolled her eyes. V smirked, biting his lip. "Your jealousy is showing." Her eyes widened. Jealous and me? Because of him? She wanted to laugh so bad at his face but is it that obvious? Of course she was jealous, so jealous that she wanted to give black eyes every single girl who laid eyes on him.

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