Kiss and bite-II [???]

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Many years ago...

Y/N lived with her mother. She never knew who her father was and surprisingly she wasn't interested as she how her mother struggled while raising her all alone. She hated her father for leaving her mother. Y/N vowed to make her happy. However things started to change as she grew up.

She realised she was different from others. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She didn't understand why she couldn't control her anger. She turned into a whole different person whenever something triggered her emotions. In general Y/N was a sweet girl but straightforward. The problem was sometimes she didn't even recognise herself. Her classmates were too scared to be friends with her.

"Why the long face?" Her mother, Yvonne asked sitting beside her. "I'm weird mom. No one wants to hang out with me." The sixteen years old girl said, sadness engulfing her. Her mother sighed. "Why can't I control myself? Why me mom?"

She broke down. Yvonne couldn't say anything. She took a deep breath as her tears rolled down but she was quick to wipe the tears. She didn't want Y/N to see her like this. Yvonne couldn't help but feel guilty. After all it was her, who caused this chaos. If only she didn't fall into the trap of love then none of this happened.

Yvonne hugged her daughter and said, "You're not weird honey. You're special." Y/N looked up and said, "If I am special then why no one wants to be friends with me?" She asked wiping her own tears. "Because they fail to see how kind and incredible as a person you are."

"But I always get angry mommy and because of that I hurt people." She said covering her face as she cried. Yvonne could only sigh. "It'll get better. I promise baby." She moved Y/N's hand from her face and wiped her tears. Yvonne gave her something which seemed to be chewing gums. "It'll help you to control your emotions."

"Are you sure?" Yvonne nodded. Meanwhile Yvonne was more worried about something. She's getting more powerful day by day. Oh God how do I tell her?

The days were going fast. Y/N was trying hard to control her emotions and seemed like it was working. Yvonne was helping her too with controlling her emotions. She gained some confidence as she learned to control her emotions.

She approached some of her classmates and some other kids of the neighborhood but knowing her past, they stayed away. She felt heartbroken. Am I not worthy of being someone's friend? Everyone ignored her, gave her weird looks like she was some monster except one boy.

That boy moved to their neighborhood a month ago. He went to the same school as hers. The boy was calm and collected. He was a straight A student. One day on the way home from market, Y/N noticed some boys gathering around the alley. They seemed like a trouble but did she care? Definitely not.

Being a curious bean and a bad bitch, she went to see what those boys were doing thinking they're going to get these hands and she was right. They were harrasing a boy and it was none other than the calm boy of her school. "The hell are you doing?"

The boys turned back angrily but their anger turned into fear. Y/N looked so angry. "I-we-" Before one of them could complete his sentence Y/N interrupted, "Leave before I hurt y'all." Without wasting one more second they ran away. You're never gonna make friends Y/N. You'll die alone. She thought as she just threatened a bunch of boys. Now they're gonna spread rumours again.

She took a deep breath and focused on the boy. He was searching for his glass which seemed like those boys threw inside the dustbin. "Wait I'll help you." She made him stand before finding his glasses and handed it over to him. "Thank you for helping me. Actually I can't see anything without glasses."

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