Ch. 17 : Cast Iron Pan

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"Tsk! They found us! Hold on tight, Nu!"

More than two cars are chasing them. Shootout is inevitable. Gulf accelerates the car to the maximum before the situation worsen. They are lucky enough that they got a sport car. They manage to be free from them for a while. Now, the two almost reach their destination which is Eclipse Hotel. However, the driver doesn't enter the parking lot entrance. He turns towards the hotel staff entrance instead. A guard stops his car.

"This is staff entrance. Please use the front entrance!"

"This is urgent."

"Sorry, but I can't. Rule is a rule. Guests must go through the front entrance.", the doctor chuckles.

"I'm friend of Khun Roger. You can ask him. Say that dr. Gulfian is here.", the guard gasps and seems really shocked.

"d-dr. Gulfian?"

"Yes, I am. Now, can you let me in now?"

"Of course, Sir! I'm sorry if my action offended you. Please come in!", the guard opens the gate.

"I understand. You're just doing your job. And, the more important thing, whoever following us here obviously my enemy. They kidnapped me and my little brother. Please stop them!"

"Yes, Sir!"

The guard opens the gate. Gulf thanks him and immediately enters. The mirror hasn't completely closed, so Nunew hears the guard saying "Code Red" through his handy talky. He frowns. Is it possible that the hotel security system always has codes like this? However, his thought is distracted when he sees dozens of people running out of the parking building. He is stunned. Not only with the situation around him, but also with the man next to him who seem to have an extraordinary other side of him. Gulf shakes his head while giggling.

The car is parked next to the entrance. They get out of the car and go to the main lobby. The younger is shocked as he sees many guards blocking the entrance too.

"Good evening, dr. Gulfian!", the hotel manager greets them kindly.

"Good evening, Khun Payu!"

"Your room will be ready in a moment. Please take a seat first!"

"Okay! Thank you, Khun Payu! Can I also borrow the phone? I need to make call."

"Sure, dr. Gulfian!", the manager gives the phone to the doctor.

Nunew dials his big brother's number. Fortunately, Mew's phone number is active. A moment later, they are connected by phone.

"P'Mew, this is me!"

"Ma, Pa, Max, this is Nu!"

"Turn on the speaker, Mew!", Mama says.

"Nu, are you alright? How about Gulf?"

"We are alright, Ma. We managed to escape from them. Right now, I and P'Gulf are in Eclipse Hotel. A group of people chased us..."

"Don't worry, son! We will pick you up soon. Now, go hide somewhere safe until we get there. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma!"

"Where is Gulf?"

"He's next to me. Wait!", he passes the phone to Gulf.

"Hello, Ma!"

"Gulf, don't be afraid! We'll be there soon. Hide until we come and don't act reckless. Understood?"

"Don't worry, Ma! All the guards here are on alert. They won't be able to easily kidnap us again..."

"Really? Phew~ Glad to hear that! In that case, we'll call you back as soon as we arrive..."

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