Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Chapter 1

Kailah's POV

"Are you done packing your stuff Kailah?" My mom's melodious voice rang from downstairs.

"Almost!" I replied, shouting back as I ran my hand through my long brown curls, trying to at least tame the unruly tangles.

Dashing towards my bathroom, I quickly grabbed my toiletries and shoved them unceremoniously in my travel bag.

Noticing my reflection on my bathroom mirror as I zipped my bag up, I couldn't help but notice the permanent smile that has seemed to plaster itself on my face. My olive green eyes were practically shining they could have passed as flashlights.

"Vacation looks good on you, hon." I mused to myself, then grimaced when I realized that I just talked to myself.

Giving my head a few good shakes, I exited the bathroom and plopped down my bed. Blindly grabbing a pair of shoes under and shimmying my feet in, I proceeded on tying my shoelaces, crisscrossing and looping them around a million different ways. I saw it on youtube and it looked kinda cool.

"Is Kim there yet?!" I shouted out as I slung my travel bag over my shoulder and grabbed my suitcase beside my bedroom door.

Seeing the lengthy flight of stairs, I shrugged and pushed my non-suspecting suitcase down. I watched, amused, as it slipped over the steps and created a booming noise when it landed on the wooden floor.

Pumping my fist up in the air, I mouthed, "Score!" and patted myself on the back.

"That better be you closing your room shut and not your suitcase hitting the floor, Kailah!" I heard my mom holler from the kitchen.

Shocked, I gaped before snapping back and grinned. "You know me too well, mother!"

Chuckling as I imagined her click her tongue, I slid down the banister on my butt and flipped backwards just as I reached the end and landed on my feet with a thud, extending both my arms in the air in salute.

Impossible? Rewind that for a bit... I think not.

Wait up! Before you judge, I'm telling you I'm not cocky. Let's just say I tend to aim for excellence and it gives me joy and satisf-

"And that awesome stunt deserves a perfect ten!" I heard Kim's voice boom from somewhere, cutting my mental rant.

I faced forward and curtsied to my non-existent audience which sent Kim to a laughing fit.

"Hey Nurple!" I smiled at her.

"Hey yourself, Purple!" She greeted back as she started walking towards the direction of the kitchen and me, falling in step beside her.

Purple and Nurple. I know you know what that is. If you don't, you're seriously missing out. Nipples...bruises...ring any bells?

We've had those nicknames ever since we started giving my older brother, Jake, purple nurples for hanging my undies on the front porch during 4th grade.

Ha! He had it coming!? He apparently did not think about any sort of retaliation from snot-nosed 4th graders.

"Morning, Grace!"

"Morning, Mom!"

Kim and I greeted my mother simultaneously when we reached the kitchen, seeing her expertly flip pancakes on the pan.

My mouth watered at the sweet aroma and I couldn't give a horse's sh*t if it was still hot as I grabbed the scalding treat out of the pan and devoured it.

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