Chapter 11 (Edited)

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Chapter 11

Kailah's POV

"Why is he so frustrating?!" I fumed, stomping my feet like a child with every step that I took. "How can he decide that by himself?!"

I was beyond mad. Oh, the nerve of that jerk! Don't get me wrong. It's not like I gave up without a fight. I argued with him. I did my best to win, I did! But he just smiled the whole time! While eating his pancakes that I should've been enjoying if it wasn't for his proclamation 'Hi running buddies'. A*shole.

I hadn't met anyone as frustrating as him since my brother, Jake. And Jake was bearable. Him, he was just plain frustrating.

Since I was fuming so much for him brushing off my disagreement that I was afraid I would break his nose and earn myself an early ticket home, Kim took it upon herself to become the peacemaker and dragged me out of the cafeteria, noticing the attention that we were getting.

Not wanting to seem like I was the loser to our argument, I gave him the finger which earned a smack to my arm from my best friend. He just stuck his tongue out though, flaring up my anger a notch!

I can't believe I let myself lose. I was losing my touch. Sh*t.

So now, I was venting my frustrations to my best friend as we walked through the crowd of people getting to know each other. And she was grinning like a foo-

"Why are you grinning?!" I asked, a little bit angry because! Who in their right mind would be happy at their best friend's misfortune? Oh right, her!

"It's just that, this is the first time you've let a boy bother you this much. Yeah, the interaction might not be what I preferred it to be, you know, arguments...but at least there's an interaction. Actually, I loved watching the both of you earlier. You looked like old married couples." She giggled, followed by a dreamy sigh. No doubt imagining up scenarios in her head about me and my non-existent husband arguing like an old married couple.

I couldn't help the shriek that escaped my lips after she spoke. Yep, I shrieked like a banshee. I need to vent. Let off some steam. I can go to the pond and calm myself dow-

My thoughts were cut off when I felt my body bump into someone so hard I fell on my butt with an, "Ow."

"I am terribly sorry, Ms. Lenon. Here, let me help you." The culprit who sent my butt on the hard ground offered, who turned out to be Mr. Brendon when I opened my eyes and saw his handsome face (Not blind, just don't care).

He suddenly grabbed both my arms to help me up, startling me.

Oh right. Ms. Lenon here. Ms. Kailah Venice Lenon to be exact.

Anyway, Mr. Brendon was still wearing that worried expression on his face so I decided to ease it off him. I guess I didn't hate him as much as I thought I did. He was an innocent facilitator after all.

"I'm fine, Mr. Brendon. That was nothing." I assured him, dusting off the dirt from my shorts.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry, Mr. Hot- Mr. Brendon. She's tough as steel, even if you push her off a cliff, she'd survive." My best friend added, throwing on her best smile.

Geez, thanks for worrying about my well-being Nurps. I always knew you loved me.

"Believe me, I've tried it. I can't seem to get rid of her." She whispered to Mr. Brendon's ears, giggling. Which looked so funny, I had to keep myself from snickering. Imagine an elf, standing, trying to whisper to a standing giant's ear.

"I heard that!" I scolded jokingly. I was momentarily shocked when Mr. Brendon let out a really deep laugh. Didn't think he was that nice. It was soon followed by Kim. I couldn't help but laugh along as well.

When our laughter subsided, Mr. Brendon informed us that camp was was going to organize activities for the day. Joked about how we were special that we were the first ones to know about it.

Basketball, high jump, and arts 'n craft.

I expected some which involved water but oh, well.

"So, you probably should think about what activity you want to join in. Again, I am deeply sorry for bumping into you, Ms. Lenon." Mr. Brendon stated, wearing an apologetic face at the last part.

"And again, Mr. Brendon, it was nothing. Oh, and Kailah's fine."

"You can also call me Kim, Mr. Brendon." My best friend added, sounding dreamy. I fake gagged at that which earned a pinch to my side from her.

"Ow! Violent much?!" I whispered, then looked at our facilitator, smirking when I saw him squirming on his feet.

"Um, see you later then, kids." Mr. Brendon said. I can't help but smirk when he emphasized the word 'kids'.

Ha! Take that, Nurple. I did an internal evil laugh.

"Bye sir," both Kim and I bid our goodbyes.

When Mr. Brendon was already out of sight, I nudged Kim at her a side, accidently doing it a bit harder than what I intended, making her scowl at me. It was an accident, people. I'm just human. No need to condemn me to eternal damnation. She's done worse, I tell you, worse.

"What the heck, Nurps! He's old!" I scolded her.

"Ever heard of 'Age is just a number and it doesn't matter'? He's just so hot and I could totally see how nice and responsible he is." Kim defended with a 'DUH' tone.

"Yeah, and a cell's just a room, right? And look, it's his job, Kim. He NEEDS to be nice and responsible. It's not that I'm not a supportive bestfriend because I'm against you pursuing him. It's because I don't want to see you hurt because he can't reciprocate what you feel for him. I love you too much to let boys or men hurt you." I argued but softening my voice at the last part, placing an arm around her shoulder.

"I know Purps but sometimes, you gotta take risks. If you always settle for things that you think is enough and painless, then later on in your life you'll just have a lot of regrets. Then, you'd have missed out on a lot of great things that could've happened." Kim mused, looking lost in her thoughts. To say that I was overwhelmed was an understatement. I don't know where that came from. It's the first time I've heard her say something so deep. She was usually the goofy one but most of the time, just the flirty one.

"Yes, Kailah. I can be deep sometimes if I want to. So you don't have to look like you've seen a fish climb a tree." She deadpanned as if reading my mind. Huh? I didn't know my best friend was psychic.

"Just keep in mind what I said because I'm not repeating them. I found out that my expressive and poetic side is embarrassing to let out." She quipped, making me chuckle. "Anywho, let's change our clothes. I don't want paint to ruin my clothes and I'm sure you'd want lighter wear for high jump."

Thank you for deciding for me, Kim. Note the sarcasm.

"Good thing I actually decided to do high jump. I wouldn't want to disappoint you, milady. Since it seems that you've already decided for me." I sassed.

She just rolled her eyes and walked towards the direction of the cabins. I followed her and we got dressed for our respective activities.

"Let's stretch some limbs then...or wrists in your case." I said as we made our way to the field.

As we approached a crowd, I can't help but realize how my anger earlier disappeared though.


Ready for a bit of action? Well, just sports actually but it's the same thing.

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed this very WORDY chap. lol

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