Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Chapter 2

Ian's POV

The sound of my alarm clock rang in the room successfully disturbing my dreamless sleep.

"Shut the heck up," I groaned, not lifting my face off my pillow, as I blindly grabbed the annoying contraption which was still doing its thing, and chucked it to the other side of the room.

Still with my eyes closed, I heard as it impacted with the wall and fell to the floor with a muted thump, automatically ending its loud cries.

Peace, at last.

Somehow drifting off the half-asleep state that every teenager loved to revel in every school-day mornings, I realized what I’d just done. The groan was instant. Yet another addition to my pile of broken clocks.

Why can't I remember to turn the darn thing off normally anyway?

I released a sigh which I know will be one of the many sighs I'll be releasing today.

A knock came from my door followed by a twist of the knob and my door was slammed open so hard that I thought it would fall off of its hinges. Now, that would totally get me broke not even before summer ends. Not to mention the fact that I’d be doing all the labor. What is wrong with annoying alarms and brothers these days?

Yeah, brothers as in plural. I lifted my head off the pillow then, just in time to see my brothers dash into my room.

One by one, they started approaching my bed like bees swarming on a flower or ants trailing to food crumbs or mosqui- see people, this is what happens to me when I'm woken up at an ungodly hour in the morning. My mind strays.

"Wake up Yanny! Your bus is gonna be here soon!" Jhonny, one of the seven year old triplets, shouted as he jumped up and down on the foot of my bed.

"I'm already up, so please stop shouting!" I grumbled as I sat up making the blanket slip off revealing my torso, still annoyed, sleepy and cold.

"No, you're not because you let Jhonny call you Yanny," Dhanny, another one of the triplets replied smugly as he made himself comfortable on my bed.

"Yeah, and if you don't start getting out of bed and pack up, Mom said she'll get your lazy butt to pack. She's coming soon. And you know how she is when she wants to get something done!" Rhonny, the oldest of the triplets added with a taunting tone, a smirk plastered on his face.


But what he said started to sink in.


I hurriedly climbed out of bed and went to get my suitcase from under it and literally stormed my way out around my room and shoved the things I think I'll need inside. I looked at the mess that is my suitcase and sighed.

Meh. I'll be unpacking it anyway.

"No swearing!" The triplets scolded me simultaneously making me jump with a start. I whipped my head towards them.

I involuntarily shuddered. I should have gotten used to moments like this where they say and do the same things at the same time but damn!

Getting back to the task at hand, I finished off my packing and went to grab my sneakers under the bed when a new set of footsteps entered my room.

My eyes landed on a pair of fuzzy slippers which I knew so well and in shock, I jerked up, forgetting the important fact that my head was still under the bed; you can imagine the pain.

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