Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Chapter 8 (Edited)

Kailah's POV

You know how people sometimes say they feel eyes on them? That’s what I felt the whole time I ate. I couldn't concentrate on eating my scrumptuous burgers. And that’s a really sad thing. I mean, I love my cow in buns just as much as the next American and I can’t even enjoy it because of a certain someone’s annoying stare.

He's so frustrating! I'm more frustrating though because I'm letting it bother me! Okay, so yeah, I was creepily staring at you earlier during the orientation but let it go dude. It’s not happening again, anyway.

"This has got to stop." I said under my breath, frustrated as I finally, though a bit disheartened, placed my unfinished burger on my plate, earning a questioning look from my best friend.

Not waiting for hesitation to creep up my a*s, I scooted out of the bench and walked towards Mr. Gray with purposeful strides. I could hear Kim asking where I was going in the background but ignored it. I had something that needs to be dealt with.

I could see Mr. Gray looking shocked, his wide stormy gray eyes staring up at me as I stood in front of him since he straddled the bench sideways.

"We need to talk. Outside. Now.” I stated calmly but inside I was far from an image of an undisturbed surface of water. It started off as mellow ripples which abruptly turned into sweet surfing tides the moment our eyes met. For a second, I thought of how a stupid move it was to approach him.

Now that we were a few inches apart, I was now finally noticing things I hadn’t before like how (I can’t believe I’m saying this) attractive his features were. I honestly didn’t look at his entire face before and it was impossible not to notice them now that we were face to face.

His gawking was gone in a second and was replaced by a calm demeanor. His unnerving and unwavering stare was starting to make my hands clammy and in an effort to hide their shaking, I folded my arms and tucked them away.

I could feel every single pair of eyes on us as I waited for his reply which I have yet to hear after wasting a good minute trying to quell my nerves.

I knew I should have just eaten my damn burgers.

"Eat away people! Nothing to see here!" I bellowed out, looking away from Mr. Gray’s unrelenting gaze. A weak excuse at breaking our eye to eye contact. Soon after, I heard scraping of chairs as the campers, again, found their dinner far more interesting than some random girl and boy’s stare off.

I turned to look at Mr. Gray again only to find him looking amused, which I didn’t all. I raised an eyebrow at him, my lips pressed into a thin line. His eyes seemed to widen a fraction followed by an obviously orchestrated cough to cover up his previous expression.

"Um, so...lead the way then." He suddenly spoke, a voice so deep and smooth that it managed to startle me. Slowly rising up from the bench, I found my green, surprised eyes following his movement like everything was in freaking slow-mo.

Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh sh*t.

'Messy, boys, pervy, boys, jerks, boys.”

Thankfully, my ill-preventing mantra snapped me out of The F*cking Twilight Zone. What the heck was that anyway?!

Ignoring the warm incessant blows of breath which were making some of the baby hair on my forehead fly off, I curtly jerked my head towards the cafeteria doors and started walking rigidly towards the exit.

As I leaned against the wall beside the door, I released the breath I never even noticed I was holding. “You’re just going to tell him to keep his eyes to himself and go back to your burger and this time, finally enjoy it, and officially start your fun summer escapade away from evils of the world in the form of the male species, Kailah. No stormy gray eyes are going to get in your way, no matter how beautiful they are-“ I paused.

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