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Artist: dekukawa?

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

I'm not sure, it's just a guess.
This is another Tododeku one, they have just started dating.
It's been ages since I wrote in first person, so please go easy on me. Sorry!


Todoroki pov

My name is Shoto Todoroki, and I am going on a date. Specifically the love of my life, Izuku Midoriya. And I still don't know what to wear.

"Shit, should I go casual? Fancy? Shit!"


"Uh! Who is it?"

"It's me!" I knew that voice.


"UH, DON'T COME IN! I don't know what to wear..."

"Lemme help you." He pushed open the door.

Deku pov

I opened the door to find Todoroki sitting in a pile of clothes, looking nervous and irritated.

I stifled a laugh by covering my mouth.

"S-Sho? Are you *snort* ok?"

His face blushed so I must have made him uncomfortable.

"Hey, let me help you." I helped him up and started folding the clothes on the floor.

"S-sorry..." he muttered, looking really embarrassed.

"Awe, where's my spunky Shoto? But for real, you ok?"

"It's stupid..." he succumbed to the hug I give him.

"Come on, if sure it's fine. Even if it is silly, that's ok. It must mean a lot to you." I smiled at him, "I'll love you either way."


That surprised me, I wasn't expecting brave, fearless Todoroki  to get hung up over something like what to wear.

"Hey, it's ok. Let me help you!"
He nodded, and got up.

"Sorry- I'm just really nervous."

"Why? We have been dating for a while now."

"I- it's just, I DON'T KNOW OK! I guess my anxiety has been acting up lately..." He sighed and facepalmed.

"Ok, this will sound weird but trust me ok?"


"Stay there." I ran into his closet.

I looked around to find the perfect outfit.

I found something he would like.

"Here! Try this on!" I threw the outfit at him

"U-uh thank you Izu..."

I ran out of the room.

'I can't wait to see what he looks like in it!'

"Come in." I heard his monotone voice from the other side of the door. I complied and bounced in.

For reference, he looks like this. I couldn't find the artist though.

 I couldn't find the artist though

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"Woah! Sho! You look great!"


"Shall we get going?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

"So where do you wanna go?"

"Oo! Sho! I heard there is a new cat cafe!"

"Let's go there then."

The store is beautiful. It has a cute little sign in front that has, 'kitten paws' on it. I looked it up and down. It had light green drapes and the main building is white.

"Shoto! Cats!!!" I picked up a grey cat and shoved it in his face.

He slowly pushed it down.
"It's really cute."

"Let's go order." I put the cat down, and grabbed his hand.

We walked up to the counter, witch was made of oak wood. It also had a waitress wearing a cute overall dress.

"May I have a small black coffee, and a croissant." He looked at me.

"Oh! And I will have a..... blueberry muffin and a hot coco."

The waitress wrote it down, and gave us our table number.

"12, our table is twelve." He showed me the paper.


We walked over to a cute wooden table by the window.

I sat down in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He looked down


"I-I'm sorry for snapping at you this morning." He put his hands over his face. "I'm a mess..."

"You not a mess Sho." I grabbed both of his hands and put them in mine. "And you were stressed, it's totally fine."

He gave one of his small smiles.

Just then the waitress arrived with our drinks and food.

"Here you go, cash or credit?"

"Cash." I gave her the money, "thank you!"

" it's my job." She smiled, then walked away.

"Thank you, I will pay you back for this later."

" Oh! No need! It's on me." I smiled at him

"Thank you."


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