Pleading words hit different at 3am

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Hey this one's really badly written with no actual plot and is more of a vent story so it's not going to be very good at all. So sorry about not posting and then sending up this. I don't even really know what this is and I would barley even call it a story.

Implying suicidal tendencies/thoughts
Much angst

Please don't read if you can be triggering by this. Be carful and don't read if you know you could get triggered.

Remember you are loved and important. I'm sending all of you hugs.

   "I can't do this anymore." Kirishima rubbed his temples as he sat on his bed in the dark.

        "...what...?" A rather stunned Bakugo responded. He had been rubbing Kirishima's back, they had been sitting together when Bakugo coaxed Kirishima into opening up.

"I can't-" Suddenly tears filled Kirishima's eyes so he combatted the feeling by covering his face and hiding the burning tears that stung his eyes.

"I stay up late at night because I'm dreading the next day." His voice cracked but he didn't stop.

"I stay up late because it's the only quiet I can seem to get anymore. I stay up late because if I sleep the next day would come sooner. I stay up late because it's the closest thing I can get to death without-" *Bakugo swiftly cut him off by putting a hand over his mouth*

"Stop. Kirishima- don't talk like that."
He examined Kirishima's face, eyes, expression and everything that might explain how this had happened.

"Kirishima look at me." He slowly pulled his hand off of the red haired boys mouth.  "Kirishima please."

Kirishima's eyes darted to the face that was staring him down.

"Don't talk like that." Bakugo put his hand on Kirishima's face and slowly enveloped him in a hug

"Never talk like that again."

"I can't do this anymore Katsuki."

"Please don't say that- Kirishima- just tell me how to fix it and I'll fix it." Bakugo's voice strained.

"Tell me what I need to do. Anything- please just- tell me there's something I can do." He pleaded.

"Katsuki no- I can't- you can't- there's nothing you can do."

Katsuki almost missed the words because of how loud his heart was pounding in his ears.

"No there has to be something I can do"
They made eye contact for the first time that night.

"Katsuki." Kirishima brought him out of his tangent.

"I.." He swallowed thickly. "I might not be in school tomorrow."

Bakugo's eyes widened as his boyfriends words spined in his mind.

"No, no no no Kirishima please. Don't do this- you can't do this- just sleep this all off with me ok? We can still fix this- we can still fix this ok?! We can just- go to bed- I can call us in sick tomorrow and we can just hang out- please-" Katsuki's voice started to get louder as he spiraled.

"Katsuki" Kirishima's voice interrupted the panicking blond and he started to rub his back.

"I'm sorry"

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