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Third year already dating

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

Trigger warnings
Anxiety attacks
Separation anxiety
Maybe ptsd idk

Bakugo and Deku started dating a little before the summer. They wanted to keep it a secret, so when school starts they had to work extra hard to hide their relationship. Will they able to keep it hidden? But more importantly, will Bakugo overcome his separation anxiety?

Hello! I keep accidentally writing angst 😂 I'm sorry! I tried to keep this one more light hearted tho. I hope you like the new story. Let's get on with it! 🐸


Deku pov

So Kacchan and I have secretly been dating for the past few months. Over summer break everyone went home except for Kacchan, me, Todoroki, and Kirishima. Kacchan and I stayed just because we could get some time to ourselves. No one knows we're dating. In fact, neither of us had come out yet. Not to our classmates, not to our friends, heck, not even our parents. And we want to keep it like that. For now anyway.

When break neared it's end, we had to try harder to hide our relationship seeing as more people were living in the dorms.

It's the first day back, and Kacchan is pretty stressed out about it.

"But you know how I treated you Izuku! If I'm not an ass to you we will look suspicious. But I can't do that anymore..." I was sitting on his bed, trying to console him.

"I know Kacchan, but.." I sighed. "The only other options are coming out or avoiding each other..."

At this his eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"No. Not- neither of those would work." You would never know by looking at him, but Kacchan is actually an extremely clingy boyfriend. I think he has trust issues from his last relationship, so he gets really anxious and jealous easy. He is kind of like a puppy in some sense. Just one with really bad separation anxiety. And lately his anxiety has been worse, we recently got it diagnosed as chronic. He started meds, but they aren't helping much.

"School starts in a few hours and- well... I don't know what to do Kacchan." He sits down and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Why don't we just see what happens... neither of us are ready for PDA so it's not like it will be an issue." I rub circles into his back, as it helps him calm down.

"But..." he looks down.

"I know, I know. You can do homework in my room after school, we can text, and meet in the bathrooms at breaks."


I stand up.

"I gotta go get changed and take a shower. I'll be back in a little." When I try to get up, he grabs my arm and pulls me down.

"Kacchan, please I gotta get dressed." I unsuccessfully try to take his hand of my arm.

"Please... just stay for a little longer..."

I sigh, relaxing into the arms of my boyfriend. "Fine, just a little longer."

He nuzzles into my neck. "Thanks..."

For a while we sit together, me scrolling through my phone, and him just chilling.

But after a while I had to get up.

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