Im Here Now...

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Mha spoilers


Panic attacks

Hello! This story and story name was requested by @MentalKai so check him out! So huge shout out to him, thank you!

Shota pov

The world spun around me. The building I stood on was completely destroyed. Echoed screams barely pierced my consciousness due to the sharp ringing in my ears.

Despite my best efforts to stay fully conscious, my vision started to blur around the edges. I felt my headache whirl, thumping against my skull.

I felt myself start to wobble, the weight of my own body was getting unbearable.

The rescue teams started to file in. I subconsciously started to scan the area around me. It was something we were taught to do at the beginning of school.

The building was absolutely wrecked. Fire danced around the corner of my vision.

It was only then when I saw a group of medics huddling over a pile of rubble. One of the medics looked up in a panic and waved another over. They shifted around revealing a mangled body laying in a pile of blood.

My eyes narrowed. I squinted at the person laying there until a familiar tuft of blue hair caught my attention.

I felt my heart rate pick up.

Now that my eyes had focused I got a clear view of the person. Blood caked his face, gluing his usually unruly hair to the ground.

My body started to shake.

I know that hair. I know that face. Thats his face.

I stumble forward. I just need to get to him. I need to get to Oboro.

I step forward and all of a sudden I'm falling. I'm falling far, and deep. I can see the floor getting closer by the second.

I'm sitting in a chair now. Staring into the misty, absent eyes of Oboro. But now... I know it's not Oboro anymore. It's Kurogiri. Oboro is gone. He's here instead. They took him. He's epeating the same words over and over.

My head starts to throb as I stare at him. Tears burn my eyes and a sharp piercing ringing overcomes any other sound that I might have heard.

Kurogiri lifts his hand to touch the glass. The purple mist fades off of him, revealing Oboros mangled face.

"It's your fault. He's gone and you can never get him back. Oboro is dead."

Oboro is gone.

I jolt up.

Hizashi pov

I felt a sudden movement next to me. Shota lurches up, his eyes are wide and brimming with tears. I can almost hear his heart beating.

"Hey- Shota what's-"

His eyes are glazed as small tears drip down his cheeks, his breathing is to ragged that I worried he would pass out.

"Shota, Shota look at me." He doesn't seem to hear me. He's digging his nails into the skin of his face as hard it draws blood.

"Shota" I grab his hands and pull them away from his face. "It wasn't real. Your safe."

His face twists and his breath hitches. "You're okay, everything's ok."

He shakes his head in protest, tears running down his face.

"Hey, remember what we agreed to do to call down?" I ask gently. The real point of this is to get him more grounded.

"Okay, okay, feel my pulse, alright?" He moves a shaky hand over my heart and I grip it tightly in between my fingers.

"Ok, what are five things you can see." I ask him carfully.

He draws a shaky breath. "T-the clock on the wall... the lamp, the moon outside, y-your alarm clock glowing, and the schedule on the desk."

"Good, good, that was really good. What are four things you can hear"

"Your voice.. the sleep music.." he pauses to listen. "The cats purring, and Bakugo stress cooking in the kitchen."

"Good. Wait- why is Bakugo cooking-"

"He gets stressed out when he can't sleep. He'll be fine."

"Alright. Uhm, three things you can feel." I try to get us back on track again.

"The blankets, you squeezing my hand, and the air from the fan."

"Ok, you're doing incredible. How about two things you can smell."

He breaths in deeply. "Your shampoo, and the candles."

"Awesome, now one thing you can taste."
I move my face closer to his and kiss him. He leans in to it for a brief moment before separating.

"Your unbrushed teeth."

I sigh. "Common Shota!" At least he's breathing normally again.

"Can.. can you tell me what happened in the dream?" His eyes widened.

"I- it was about Oboro." I felt my heart drop.


He shook his head.

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

He shook his head again. "I- no. Maybe later." His gaze shifted to the floor. He turned his head away, but I caught some tears before he was able to shift all the way.

I sighed. "Shota, you'll feel better if you talk about it."

"I'm fine-!" He snapped at me, then his expression softened.

"I'm sorry- I-" he wiped his eyes quickly and in a way so his cheeks squished a little. Even when he's crying he's still adorable.

"It's ok kitten." I moved my hand up and gently wiped his cheek.

He glanced down. "I just- saw it again."

I grimaced and pulled him into a tight hug.
His head on my chest.

"It's- it's gonna be okay. He's gonna be ok."

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