"Yeah... Its good to be back"

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Art: 👾Moi-Mind👾
In this they just finished there second year.
It's also Sunday.

It is just the throuple and teachers at the dorms. Everyone else went home for the summer, it is going great until something unexpected happens.

(I have never heard the word 'throuple' before, but the internet told me it was a three person couple, idk I'm running with it)
Let's get on with it! 🐸
Todoroki pov

"And then she looked down and the mc and said 'I am your grandma' it was such a big plot twist!"

Izuku smiled at me. We were just going back to the dorms after a morning walk to the park. He was extra happy this time because I asked him to fill me in on one of his favorite movies series, "star battles".
Hehe I had to I'm sorry

"Hey, do you wanna see the new 'Star Battle' movie today? We can pick Kats up after his shift. We can have it be like a end of school year celebration or something." I looked at my boyfriend.

"Oh my god yes! That would be awesome!"

"Ok, I'll text him the idea later."

"Sounds good!"

We continued talking like normal. Him leading the conversation while I listened and added.
Until a guy ran past us, bumping 'zuku on the shoulder making him fall down.

"Hey! Watch where your going!" I called after him.

"You ok Izu?" I offered him my hand. He ignored it and pulled himself up- himself. Lol

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks tho!" He smiled at me. God, I will never get over that smile.

"When we get back to the dorms can I take a nap?" He looked tired.

"Yeah, I can get the tickets for a later time. Wait, do you feel sick? Are you up for going?"

"No, no, Sho I'm fine. Just a little tired is all."


Izuku pov

I'm not gonna tell Sho, but I feel really tired. Like vision blur and dizzy tired. He said he would get the tickets for 2pm so that gives me like four hours.

It was an agonizing walk back. This is really weird, I wasn't tired until that guy ran into me. Maybe some sort of quirk. I don't know.

"Ah, dorm sweet dorm. I'm gonna text Kats now, you can go take your nap if you want."

"I'll take you up on that, I'll be in my dorm."
Once out of view, I used OFA to run upstairs.

I staggered into my room.
"Why am I so tired?"

Bakugo pov

Thank god my shift is almost over. This is boring as hell. I'm glad we have something fun to go to to celebrate summer though. I'm not usually a big fan of Star Battle movies, but if will make Izu and Sho happy then I'm down to watch it.

"Babubabe! I can cover the rest of your shift for you, I know you have people to get home to~"

"Thanks Raccoon Eyes, I'll take you up on that."

"No problem Bakubabe! No go run to your lovers!"

"You are so annoying..." I took my apron off,
"See ya." I hung it on the hook and left.

I texted Sho that I'm coming now.

I gotta get back to the dorms. I want hugs. I took of in a sprint, I'm almost there anyway, no one will be mad if I use my quirk right?

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