A Day in the Life of Two Barely Functioning Highschoolers (on break)

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Depressed/apathetic Izuku anyone?

Also what the heck are these titles recently???

This ones kinda sad but nothing to bad ( I feel like I owe you guys some fluff, concreting how little I've uploaded and how angsty the last ones  have been. My bad yall ;-; ) 

My heart ached with the familiar, yet inevitable throb of rejection. It's not like I was expecting any different in the end. I know this is just the nature of my life.

Before I become too enthralled in my, incredibly interesting thoughts of nullifying disappointment, a knock on my door so rudely snaps me out of it.

"Izuku, honey! It's time to get up" My moms voice. Muffled by the door separating me from the outside world, cuts through the comfortably silent air.

I have never been a big fan of music.

Despite it being a relatively gentle wake up call, I feel irritation claw it's way into my chest. I kind of hate myself for that.

I mumble out an only partially comprehensible response and reluctantly slide out of bed, like I had just woken up. Not staring at the ceiling pitying myself for a truly pathetic amount of time.

It's not like I'm not used to rejection. I've become rather familiar to the concept of it by now. Which does not explain why I get so hung up on it.

In media, the sad and relatable main character always ends up saying something like 'I've gotten numb to rejection by now' or 'I have figured out that the best way to deal with it is not to care'

I huff, and hunt down a clean shirt. I suppose they're not wrong, and it's certainly not like I've never thought something along those lines, but I've never really meant it. I'm aloud to lie to myself, aren't I?

I fiddle with my tie to best of my abilities and migrate in the direction of the bathroom, making sure not to miss the opportunity to stub my toe on, at least two pieces of furniture.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I am much older than I remember. This surprises me. UA has given us a week to be home, because of the war. Which is good I guess. But being home offers no distraction for the seemingly endless spout of seasonal depression. Fun.

I rub my face. Logically I know I'm over reacting. I've been telling myself I have been for ever since break started. But Shoto's more than unenthusiastic response to my pathetic attempt of asking him out is really starting to get to me.

I know he's a bit socially awkward, and has drastically misinterpreted some of the social cues in classes, but how much longer can I keep using that as an excuse?

I spit out a mouthful minty toothpaste, and sit down on the toilet to scroll through my phone.

'No new notifications'

Yeah, what did I think was gonna be on there? I haven't even texted Shoto since that book report a while back. Damnit, I really need to stop using his first name.

Well, technically Kirishima-kun addressed Kacchan by his first name before they got together. But, it was pretty obvious that Kacchan had a thing for him and he would have made a bigger fuss about the name if he didn't like it.

I have yet to call Shoto by his first name out loud.

God. I really am pathetic.

I sigh. Silly me. It's going to be okay.

I wonder what Shoto's doing today?

Today was long.

It probably shouldn't have been because of the break, and the fact that my father no longer lives with us.

I watch the sun set out the window. Fuyumi offers me a bowl of soba, which I graciously accept.

I think about Midoriya. I haven't seen him since break started. I wonder what he's up to....

I check my phone for any messages. Specificity hoping for some from a certain green-head. Nothing. Aside from endeavor. I click the message to get rid of the notification icon and quickly exit out.

It probably wasn't important anyway.

By the way- do you guys have any ships you want me to cover?

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