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•mild body horror

Deku pov

It was strange when I was called to patrol today, usually the agency lets me take Fridays off to spend with my fiancé, Kacchan.

But alas I had to work, Kacchan was upset but understood. Apparently he was also called in, but not for work. Just to oversee some rookie hero's, make sure they don't get themselves killed.

Usually Fridays aren't to busy, I only stopped a few pick pocketing, and a robbery at a convenience store. I even stopped at Starbucks and signed a few notebooks. So when I smelled smoke I jumped into action, on quieter days, there is often one or two big attacks.

I used black whip to swing on the buildings, Spider-Man style. When I got a better look at the area I was shocked. Multiple buildings were on fire, people were trapped under rubble, and the villains was fighting multiple pro hero's. Including Kacchan.

They were throwing punches and firing quirks. I quickly set to rescuing the citizens.

As I helped a woman trapped under rubble, I heard an ear shattering shriek, and electric sizzling.

I brought the woman to safety, then ran. I needed to find Kacchan.

I took off on a sprint, zig zagging, and weaving my way around other pros. I haulted. Staring at the scene infront of me.

Kacchan was on the floor, shaking, holding his stomach, as other hero's tackled the villain.

All of a sudden, it was just me and him. I ran to him.

The closer I got I could here him crying.

"Kacchan! Kacchan are you ok- can you talk- what happened?!"

He choked out, "h-hurts-" before dryly coughing.

I swallowed thickly.

If it could get worse, he let out a wretched sob, as his skull started to bleed.

His body started to change, two blood drenched ears emerged from his skull, his pupils got very wide then thin, and something that looked like a tail broke threw the back piece of his costume.

He sobbed in pain, then his eyes crossed and he went limp. His eyes were open but they were glazed.

"Kacchan- Kacchan are you awake?!" I not so gently shook his body. "KACCHAN"

I cursed under my breath.

"Kacchan stay strong, ok...?"

I picked him up, and his head rolled. He looked half dead.

I fought back tears. It won't do any help crying now, I just need him to get to a hospital.

I swallowed a sob, and continued to run.

Time skip

The doctors took Kacchan into the room almost four hours ago.

I'm stuck out here. I already cried myself out, so even if I wanted to cry more I couldn't.

Suddenly a doctor opened the door.

"Mr Midoriya?"

I look up at her.

"Bakugo is awake, though he hasn't really responded to any of us. He was hit with some sort of transformative quirk. We weren't able to run much testing but we have a hunch on what the quirk is.

"It probably won't last to long, but we will have to check."

I nod. "Can I see him now?" God my voice is so horse.

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