Its my fault

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Angst fest✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Bakugo POV
I ran down the street, well- ran is a loose term, more like I shot through ally ways to catch the suspect. The agency gave me this job. It's supposedly about some missing kid. It's rumored that the villains keep hostages then make them steal.

These people are awful. Making kids do this? Insane. The guy I was chasing swerved into an open clearing. Dumbass- this will be a peace of cake.

I sprinted out of the ally, and set off a large explosion, which immobilizes him briefly.
Though it's enough time that I lunge at him, tackling him to the ground. He squirms, but I've pinned him to the ground. I reach a hand up and tear his mask off.

"HA! Got you now! I-" I stop my epic monologue and actually look at the person. His face morphs, and now that I'm holding him, his body is more frail- wait is this a woman...? She has green hair and- falls to the ground sobbing.

"My baby! No no my baby!" Her voice is shredded with sobs. I take a step back. What is going on-

"M'am, who is your-" She cuts me off, "It's your fault."
I step back, and suddenly I'm 14 again. "It's your fault Bakugo!" She screams, throat horse from crying.
"It's your fault Izuku's gone!" She breaks off into a shred of tears.

I swallow thickly. Dekus... gone? No. No! He can't just be- Suddenly he flashed into the scene, bloody and broken.
"Kacchan. Thank you, really. Your the reason I left." He smiled at me. "Your the reason I died Kacchan."

    My breathing starts to pick up, no- no- he can't be- I turn to Inko as she cries on the ground, a pathetic 'I'm so sorry' was all I could choke out.

    I bolt up in bed, panting. I'm sweating enough for my bed to be equivalent to a active minefield. I try to breathe, I really do, but my lungs just won't fill. My shallow breaths quicken, and I feel like I'm about to throw up. Tears burn my eyes but just won't fall. "I'm sorry-I'm sorry- please I'm so sorry..." I sob, barely noticing the gentle hands holding me.

    "Kat, I need you to focus on me ok?" It's Ei, it's just Ei. I must have woken him up.

"Shit- I- I'm s-sorry-" My ears stopping ringing enough that I can at least make out what he's saying.

"Hey, hey, your ok. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Hey, whatever happened it was just a dream. It wasn't real. I'm here, your safe. We're safe." He rubs my back.
    But- It was real. Dekus gone. He's gone and its my fault.

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