Going Back (Part One)

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Suicide Warning in the beginning, if you are uncomfortable with that skip to where I put this -*-

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.


Bakugo preposed to Deku and Deku agreed, but Bakugo's guilt is bubbling up because of it.

Bakugo pov

Why am I here..? And what am I doing in my old UA uniform? I'm a pro hero... right? What is going on? Wait... where's Izuku!
I'm gonna check this place out.

I walked around observing my surroundings, just like any hero in training would.

I'm standing on a building, it's raining, and it's night.
Oh! Right I followed Deku up here, I wonder what he's doing...
Footprints, I'ma follow them.
Wait... it's that Deku? What's he doing by the edge? He might slip.

I run to catch up with my classmate.

"Hey! Nerd! What are you..."
He turns around. Tears stream down his face.

"Bye Kacchan..." He falls backwards. He falls backwards... HE FELL! HE JUMPED, HE- NO!"IZUKU PLEASE COME BACK! IM SORRY!" I sobbed, warm, heavy tears ran down my face.

I felt myself crumple to the ground.
No, please no... Izuku please...

Izuku pov

Kacchan cried in his sleep again...

"Did you have the dream again?"
No answer. He just stairs at the bed. Warm tears pour out of his panic filled eyes, as his face crumbles.

"It's ok, I'm here. Just cry it out. There is no shame in-" he started heaving, then hugged me, melting into my arms.

His voice hitched, "I-it... Y-you..." he hugged me tighter.

"I know, I know. It's not real."

"B-but it was so vivid..." he choked

"I'm not going anywhere." I stroked his hair.

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Bakugo pov

I woke up, tears pouring down my face. I faintly heard Izuku say something...

"... 'm here, just cry it out..."
He is alive
"... no shame in-"

I grabbed him, melting into his gentle arms. I tried to say something but I couldn't get the words out.

"I know, I know. It's not real." He rubbed my back.

"B-but it was so vivid..."

"I'm not going anywhere."

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