Short hair

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Toga X Uraraka
Non-binary Uraraka AU
Hero Toga AU

•Self Harm
•discussion of Self Harm
•gender dysphoria
•brief implementation of homophobia/transphobia

Just so you guys know, I'm just using my experience being non binary here, it's not universal so pls don't come after me.

3rd pov

Uraraka sighed after thirty minutes of staring at the mirror, and putting newly dried hair into a bun.

A stollen binder layed on the floor of the bathroom, along with a razor blade, band aids, and disinfectant.

A tear leaked out of their eye. After all, they were no longer three months clean.

"Shit- Togas gonna get home soon." A low hiss escaped their mouth as the disinfectant and gauze touched the open skin, and made a mental note to give Deku back his binder.

After cleaning up, they quickly grabbed a hoodie and ran downstairs.

The two other roommates were hanging out in the living room. Deku was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, with a passed out Bakugo on his shoulder.

They chuckled dryly, at the scene infront of them. The day may be shitty so far, but it's not often you see soft Bakugo.

Deku chuckles and wispers, "Ura, can you take a picture of him, he's gonna kill me if I do it myself." They nodded and took their phone out of their pocket. They took the picture and a notification popped up. Togas gonna be here two minutes.

Uraraka pov

I sent the photo and shuffled off to the kitchen. 'Ts my turn to cook today. What should I make that won't-

Before I could finish my thought I felt someone jump on me.


She brushed my arm, I winced. There was incoherent yelling, shuffling, and cackling probably from Deku, from the other room, Guess Bakugo woke up.

"I'm HOMEEEEEE!!!!" Toga, it's Toga. She winked at me. "As you could tell." Then she planted a kiss on my lips.

"How was work." I laughed.

"Good." She took her place next to me, eyes darting to my arm, then she pulled out a pot and started to boil water.

"How was yours?" She said, with an edge of concern in her voice.

"Good." I lied. "Worked on my book a bit." I part time as a writer.

"That's good." She smiled at me. "I don't know how your wearing a hoodie, it's so hot outside!" This was her way of asking, 'what happened, how bad was it, and were razors involved'

"I just run cold I guess!" Which basically translates to 'nothing happened stop prying'

This did not seem to convince her, but she dropped it.

She sighed, "So what type of noodles should we eat?"

Time skip

I threw myself onto our bed, face first. Toga followed.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" She asked, sitting next to me.

"No." I say in a muffled voice.

"Please, I wanna know how I can help."
The man said
"Mm..." I grumbled. I just wanna go to bed.

She sighed and rubbed me back. I leaned into her touch.

I groaned and sat up.

"I cut myself again."

"I had an idea... can you tell me why?"


She stayed silent.

"I don't feel right."

"How so?" She leaned closer so she could look at my face.

"Just- I don't feel good in my body..."

"Do you know how to explain?"

I shake my head.

"Can I ask you questions about it to try and understand, or do you just want me to clean up your bandages."

"Questions are fine."

"Ok... is it about how your body looks?"

I sighed, "Kinda."

Her voice softened, "Is it a weight thing...?"


"Body type?"

I shook my head.

She let out a small 'huh'.

They something seemed to click. "Do you feel like a girl?"

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I'm asking. You know how Midoriya is trans?"

I nod.

"What are you getting at here?" I make eye contact.

"Do you feel like a boy, or like part of you is a boy?"

"No, not really..."

"Well do you feel like something else? Like your not a boy and your not a girl but you have a gender?"

I blink. "Yea..."

"Ok... do you wanna look into it? I have had a lot of nonbinary friends, and they sometimes have some form of gender dysphoria."

"I nod."

She smiles at me, "Why don't you bring it up with your therapist at your next appointment."


"Oh, and did you steal Midoyrias binder? He was looking for it."

I blush.

"HA! Don't worry about it, but I'll chat with Jirou about maybe borrowing some of theirs, or just asking were they get theirs."
She smiled at me.

"Uh huh." Non binary... huh.

Time skip


I'm sitting on our bed as she puts her make up on.

"Yea?" She is currently putting on lipstick.

"Do you think I would look good with a pixie cut?"

She stops what she's doing and turns around.

"Oh my god Ura. You would slay. Are you thinking of getting one?"


"I think you should, it'd look amazing."

"Mm. Good, because I'm getting one later today. Just wanted to make sure you would still think I was sexy."

She dropped her lipstick.

"Really!! That's awesome! Can I come with you?"


"And no matter what hair you have, your always sexy."

"Thanks Himiko."

That's it, though I found this online. Art: motekill

 Art: motekill

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