"Its been a while"

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Woooooo spooky~
Yeah, ghost Deku au. This one is extremely angsty and depressing. I will try to make more fluffy/happy ones next lol.

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

Mention of suicide

you have been warned.
I have been feeling like writing quite a bit of angst lately. Oh, and an update on "going back part 2" I haven't had much motivation for it currently, BUT I will get it out very soon. Also, I'm sorry for the short story, I was just suddenly hit with inspiration and wrote this. It is pretty rushed and I'm sorry about that. Thank you for your patience! 🐸


Bakugo pov

"I didn't notice... how could I have missed this...?" Half and half lamented.

"Deku~kun..." Round face looked down, "how- hic- why..?"

This is my fault. This is my fucking fault. This is my fucking fault! Im such an asshole, an idiot, self centered waist of oxygen!
Izuku, I'm so sorry. I should have known that an apology wouldn't fix everything. Now your gone. My fucking husband is dead. My fucking husband is dead because of me... MY FUCKING HUSBAND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF ME! I should have noticed, apologized more, done something! Izuku, I wish you were still here.

'I am here'

"Im so sorry..."


Izuku I hate this, this isn't fair! I wish I never met you, then you would still be here and-


What the fuck. Ok, I'm going fucking crazy.

'Kacchan can you here me? Im right here...'

Ok fuck this shit. I turned around.


"izu? am i going insane..?" I whispered. A ghostly version of my husband stood before me.

'KACCHAN! Oh my god this is really weird..."


Dead-ku pov

'Kacchan are you still there?'
That's really weird, he is crying.

'Why are you crying?'

He looked up at me, pain in his usually harsh ruby eyes.

"Why am I crying...? Why am I fucking crying?!" He seemed almost hysterical.

"Y-you FUCKING KILLED YOURSELF! H-How am I not supposed to cry..."

'What..? No I didn't. I slipped and fell! I wouldn't leave you! Besides, I'm pretty useless anyway ha ha...'

"You didn't- what." He looked at me with shock in his eyes.

"Is that what you think Izuku?" He reached towards me, trying to grab my hands, but to no avail.


"You are the most important thing on this planet... I love you! Everyone does!"

'Oh Kacchan... I'm sorry I'm gone, but I really have to talk to you about something.'

"But- what is it..."

'I can't leave, I can't go to the afterlife. I can't go to my mom, or presumably dad. I've tried so hard, I just can't leave...'

"I-Izu... your gonna leave again...?" The crack in his voice broke me. So vulnerable, so shattered.

'I-I have to...'

"O-ok. Maybe it's because you have unfinished business here. Can you think of anything?"


"Do you wanna go look for it?"

'Yeah.. thank you Kacchan.'

"I- yeah... no problem."

"OH WAIT! I once heard that a ghost my want to bring something. Maybe you have to get that!"

He looked at me, sadness under his eyes. He hid it well, to anyone else, they would think he was being normal. Just more quiet.

Bakugo pov

'I think I know... my ring...'

"O-oh, I a-actually have *hic* that on me..."
I pulled out a simple gold ring. And he nervously grabbed it.

'I think it's working, I think I'm going...'

"I- I'm gonna really miss you Izu..." my voice hitched.

'I'm going to miss you to Kacchan... I love you...'

"I love you to nerd..."

Ten years later, Deku pov

I really miss him. He has probably moved on by now. I hope he is happy, though I wish he was with me...

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"I really missed you... It's been a while Izuku."

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