The Flu Hits Hard (sickfic)

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Tododeku, first year, already dating

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

Trigger warning
•Throwing up

Hello! I'm sorry for not posting last week. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one! I may do a few different sickfics with different people and ships. Also, thank you for 200! I have a very busy week, with a lot of art classes, however it shouldn't really effect my upload schedule. This story is really rushed, I'm sorry. Anyway... Let's get on with it!

Todoroki pov

My alarm buzzes, but I'm already awake. I actually woke up like an hour ago, and couldn't go back to sleep.

"Geez, why do I have a headache...?" Somehow, after being awake for an hour, I'm still tired. And have a headache.

No... it's fine. Not even that bad.
I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up.

"Shit!" I wobbled, and almost fell over. It's fine. Izuku won't notice.

Time skip

Long story short... he noticed.

"Sho- Todoroki! Are you ok? You look sick." We were in the living area of the dorms, and my secret boyfriend is now inspecting me to make sure I'm ok. I'm not, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm fine Iz- Midoriya. I just didn't sleep well." I offered him a smile, and it seemed to calm him down.

"Ok... but let me know if you feel sick."

"Will do."

He grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the table.

"Kacchan made eggs and bacon!"

I almost gagged. Just thinking about food made my stomach do summersaults.

"I'm not that hungry." I sighed, and sat as straight as I could. Sadly being straight has never been my strong suit.

His worried eyes made their way to mine.
"Are you sure your feeling ok?"

I just nodded, everything was getting fuzzy.
This is going to be a long day.

Izuku pov

Todoroki has been acting weird lately. He said he is just tired, but I think he is sick.

As I grabbed my back and started out the door, I noticed Todoroki walking along the path.
That is unusual because usually he is their way before me. I walk behind him, and I don't think he noticed me. This is really odd.

When we get to class, he drops his bag on the floor, and almost falls into his seat.

To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention to class. Instead, I was eyeing Todoroki. He seemed to get paler and paler throughout the day. He kept falling asleep, or spacing out.

Present Mic passed us all papers to work on before lunch.

The entire class groaned while looking at the packet. There were about 20 questions, and 15 minutes left of class. I got to work, keeping half an eye on Todoroki. After a while everyone started turning them in, and again, Todoroki turned his in second to last. Last being Kaminari.

The bell rang and we started filing out of the classroom. Except Ayoyama. He stayed and ate his fancy cheese.

Todoroki rushed off, and sadly, my suspicion was correct. To the bathroom.

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