I missed you

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Angst with happy ending
Spoilers to all the Midnight stans

Most of the deaths aren't canon so don't worry yourself about them, all you anime only watchers. I got you 👍

Sorry this is so short


Kirishima pov

I'm lying back to the cold concrete under me, in an ever growing pool of my own blood. My eyes are stinging from the smell of it all.

At least two or three people are hunched over me, most of them crying at least somewhat.

I try to focus on what they're saying. I know they're saying, something. I just- can't really hear it. I think at some point in the battle, my ears were damaged, so all I can really hear are panicked tones and a shrill ringing.

Is this what dying feels like? My finger tips are cold, and I'm too weak to move.

I don't want to die. I really don't want to die. Tears burn my eyes and make their way down my face.

'Not like this...' I think. 'Please, not like this.'

I don't want to watch this, so I give in to the molasses like weight that seems to corse through my damaged body. The last thing I see is the look of absolute terror on Mina's face, as she pleads me to, what I can assume, stay awake.

I wonder if Katsuki was this scared. He died about a year ago, and I guess I'm about to join him.

After a few seconds of not feeling dead, I open my eyes. The most of the pain is gone now. Emphasis on most, I have a massive headache, but the ringing is slowly fading away.

I force myself to sit up, which strangely enough doesn't effect my head.

My eyes scan my surroundings. Everything is black- or more like the lack of everything. It's dark, but I can see for miles.

I look down at the floor. It's odd. It's like it's a pool of dark water, that moves on impact but is cold and hard as glass.

I prop myself onto my knees and tap the floor with my hand. It looks like it's rippling bug the floor does not move. A loud, echoing clink follows. Almost the same sound as when you bump two glasses together.

The ringing in my ears has faded enough to hear the piercing silence. Until, it's disturbed by another, sharper, harder clink.

Then it's followed by another. Another. I look around but don't see what could be making the noise. It's rapid now, like someone's running, and it's getting closer.

I turn around just in time to be hit with the impact of a person. A person I recognize. He wraps his arms around me, and let's put a shaky breath.

"W-" he pauses, like he is trying to find the words. "When I said I would wait for you-..." he swallows thickly. "Part of me was hoping to have to wait much, much longer."

His arms tighten around me.

I burry my face further into the arms of my boyfriend, breathing in his comforting cologne. A smell I hadn't breathed in a year.

"I- I'm sorry." My voice hitched.

"I missed you so damn much Ei."

Bakugo finally raises his head and looks me in the eye.

"I missed you so much." He says under his breath, as he looks me up and down a look of concern crossing his features.

Somehow I missed, the darkness melting into what looks like some fuzzy version of common room of the dorms. With a few people pro hero's and horrifyingly, mostly students sitting and talking casually.

Denki even waved.

"Here, I'll get Midnight to clean you up." We separate, and he grabs my hand.

I muster a small smile, "Thank you for waiting, love."

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