He's.. different

166 0 0

Mentions of torture
Mild gore

I kept seeing this everywhere and I wanted to put my own spin on it!
(As with most of my story's)

Also, almost ALL of these ideas AREN'T mine. I  got inspiration from other story's, and tried to add my own spin on them.

(Did not proof read sorry)


Thursday, November 23

To be honest, everyone is a mess. Bakugo has locked himself in his room and won't come out. He never yells anymore and sometimes I can hear him breaking things. Todoroki won't talk or interact with anyone. He broke down in the common room once and that was about it. I think they blame themselves for it. Everyone is miserable, but it makes sense that they are the most torn up about it.

I mean, it was never confirmed but it's pretty obvious they were all dating.

Aizawa and Mic are the only teachers that haven't given up looking for Deku. It's been half a year since he went missing.

Apparently Aizawa found a new lead, Bakugo, Todoroki, him, Mic, and I are going in a few hours. The only time I do see Bakugo is when we look for Deku. He insists that he always has to come.

The class is quiet. The class has been quiet. We got to skip school for the first month, but then we had to go back. Monomo tried to bully us about it once, but Mina blew up at him.

All in all, we are walking on eggshells.

It's afternoon, and I'm waiting for everyone to be ready to search. I've started writing everything down, I guess as some sort of coping mechanism.

We all miss him.

Just then there was a shrill knock on the door.
It was Aizawa.

"Ochoko, get out here and put on your costume. We're leaving in twenty minutes."
He sounded more tired than usual.

"Coming." I drop my pencil and shoved my notebook into my drawer.

I grabbed my suit and slipped it on, not bothering to brush my hair.

When I stepped outside, Todoroki and Bakugo were already outside.

"Common. Aizawa and mic are waiting outside." Bakugo's voice was raspy and broken.

I just nodded, and followed after them.

Both of them looked like they had just been crying. Todoroki held his hand out to Bakugo, and he took it. They do this a lot. Hold hands I mean. Todoroki brings Bakugo food to eat in his room. Their still dating even after...

I'm just glad they can give each other a bit of emotional support, or a shoulder to cry on.

We walked out to the gate, and meet up with Aizawa.

"Ok. We were able to put a tracker on one of the Nomu. It isn't much, but it might help." His voice was quieter on the last bit.

We just nod.

As anticlimactic as it is, we call a taxi to take us there. The driver seemed confused on why there were 2 pro hero's and 3 high schoolers trying to get somewhere at 11 at night but thankfully didn't ask questions.

When we arrived, we were met with something like a warehouse. It was rickety and old looking. All the windows were covered up. It was eerie.

After paying the cab, we started to scope around the area, trying to figure out the best way in.

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